Irelands' Path

Day 802, 12:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

Northeast of Ireland, IRELAND - Recently I have been reading many newspaper articles and comments in other articles about which path Ireland should take regarding alliances. The general consensus is that Ireland should join some sort of alliance or create one. Almost nobody wants Ireland to sit by and let the rest of the world fight.

I don't want to sit on the sidelines either. The fastest way to grow and the basis for the eWorlds economy is war. The Admins set it up this way.

The decision is which side of the big two (EDEN/PHEONI😵 or the Entente or Sol or whatever. The tone in the majority of these articles is go for it, jump right in. Almost everyone it seems has a side(s) they want. "Ireland must join PHEONIX" or "EDEN is the only way" are what I am hearing. The authors seem very sure that they are correct but I almost never hear any reasons as to why one side is the better of the two. Lots of cheering and yelling and slogan chanting going on but no thoughtful discussion. It seems that everyone just "knows" which side to choose.

Well I don't know which way we should go. I have my own ideas but have not made up my mind. I have fears about joining a big alliance. I think we will be crushed by a nation looking to get a win under their belt after a loss and we will be a target because we are allied with the enemy, not because we did anything to them. I'm not saying that I will never be comfortable with either EDEN or PHEONIX, I just am not yet. If Ireland so chooses to join one or the other I will support it completely.

My major concern is that the debate is made rationally. Yes it can get heated when opposing opinions meet, but we should not just fall back on shouting that "I am right and you are wrong". "Go for it" and Do it now" are not valid foreign policy. That way leads to disaster. Yes this is a game. We want to have fun. War is fun, but loosing region after region without even having a chance is sure to dampen anyone's fun.

Remember, the only reason the Irish fight among themselves is that we can't find any worthy opponents.

Let's make sure we find the right opponent.

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Anthony Colby