Ireland – Victor Petrescu Interview [e.thing]

Day 263, 08:40 Published in Romania Romania by OchiReci

Irlanda – Tara tuturor posibilitatilor /// Ireland - Country of All Possibilities

I believe we need to be informed about world news. And because the hottest news is the Romanian government from Ireland, I try my chance and ask for an audience with their new president Victor Petrescu.


Me : Good Day mister President Victor Petrescu

VP : Good Day


Me : First I need to ask you , why Ireland ? Why you didn’t try your chance in Romania.

VP : It's obvious you have no idea what we did in Ireland. Romania is a large country and I am a member of UGD, so why the need to change anything in Romania?
Read more about what we did and maybe your questions will make sense.


Me : Ok , now my second question. Did you expect to win, and how do you feel with so many Romanian following you here?

VP : WELL, we knew we will win.
We've studied and talked for about 15 days before choosing Ireland. As an organized group. I believe we are the most UNITED group of HIGHLY SKILLED PLAYERS in the entire game.
Winning the elections is a SMALL part of the entire process. I won't be happy and will not rest SOON. We have many things to do, but you won't find out about them soon. Maybe not even this month.


Me : Tell me now about your intentions with Ireland, how do you expect to develop things around here, and what projects are you preparing ?

VP : We will make Ireland a great "No Taxes Paradise".
1% taxes with the entire world, on imports.
Everyone will be able to move to Ireland, buy cheap products and move back.


Me : I hear that local company owners aren’t cooperating with the government and they stopped working and processing goods. What can you tell me about this?

VP :…


Me : Now let’s go to the political level, tell me how do you see the political class from Ireland, is it a big difference between this world and Romania at this level ?

VP :…


Me : Off-course you can’t have followers and friends if you don’t have opposition and enemies. Tell me something about your party opposition from Congress and in general from the country's population.

VP :…


Me : I also heard that there is a lack of companies in Ireland , and now with this protest from local companies, Ireland economy might be in danger. Tell me your plan regarding the situation and what are the projects to attract international companies on the Irish market

VP :…


Me : I know that probably the relationship between our two countries [ Romania and Ireland ] must be good because we are in the same alliance and we have a MPP. But I need to ask. What is the official opinion of Alex Craciun [ Romanian President ] regarding Ireland. Did you speak with him after the elections, will he support you on the economical level or political and off-course does he agree or disagree with your political take over in Ireland ?

VP :…


Me : I read on the international press some hard comments and articles about this situation , especially in the Italian press. Also a high member of the Romanian Government was received coldly in Canada during her last visit there. I need your personal opinion about this.

VP :…


Me : And of course because in the world press is circulating the idea that your reign in Ireland was a Romanian Government decision and was supported by all Romanians , and basically now most of the people who speak or write about this subject are generalizing and involving all Romanians, I need your true answer : Did you make your own choice and tried your chance in Ireland, or you was sent there by an evil corporation with the direct purpose of controlling Ireland from a distance ?

VP :…


Me : How do you see the next elections, will you run again, and if you will …do you think you will win again the president spot ?

VP :…


Me : Ok … the end. Good Luck and thanks for the interview

VP : Bye. Good Luck Also


Victor I wait your answers here like comments, or directly via pm or ym