IRC and my Q3 stick.

Day 662, 10:07 Published in South Africa South Africa by Krimpiekat

This is for all you irc folks.
Irc: internet relay chat or multiplayer notepad.
#eSouth_Africa: eSA's irc channel. Not your personal soapbox and not an arena for your personal bitch fights.

The constant argueing does not amuse me anymore. I kept track, most of the time it's the result of a party political discussion gone sour. Starting today I'm kicking you out when you start preaching your personal party politicky crap. Start a dedicated party channel if you need a soapbox.
If you do not know how to create an irc channel then pm me and I'll help you setting it up.
Special note: I am unbiased in this. I am not eSA. I am an Airborne trooper. Your petty politics are as interesting as to me as watching paint dry.

The same goes for the rest of the discussions going on there. If you cant respond with anything other than name-calling or personal attacks, then keep quiet or you get the banhammer.

And do not ever make the bot look up swearwords. Once or twice is funny, but lately thats all some people do. Keep in mind that if the people had to choose between you and the bot, they'd choose the bot. Guess who i'll be booting?

My apologies to the eSA govt for going all dictator on you with this. If you disagree with any of these, let me know.

Irc nazi.