IRC 101

Day 1,246, 13:46 Published in Belgium Belgium by Pieter557
IRC 101

A lot of people have issues with IRC. The commands sometimes are simple, but there are many and are easy to forget. So I decided to write some sort of glossary. An overview of the most important basic commands and nickserv/chanserv commands. This certainly does not contain all commands. But those can be found by using the help commands.
I've been planning to write this for a while but since people started nagging me more often, I'm doing it now. This will not be a tutorial, but more on how to accomplish a task.
If you are rather looking for a tutorial to hold your hand step by step, I can recommend you this tutorial by MaartenW:

A small word on the layout. The commands you type in are in italics.
The things you have to replace are placed between . These are required. If it’s placed between [] then they are optional. You do not need to add the and the [] when you type them in.

General Commands

/nick -> Changing your nickname
/join [] ->Joining a channel with an optional password.
/part [] [] -> Parting the current or the specified channel with an optional part message.
/msg -> Sends the message to nickname as a pm.
/notice -> Sends the message to nickname as a notice.
/away [] -> If a reason is given, marks you as being away, otherwise removes your away status and previous reason.
/op -> Gives nickname operator status in the current channel. Use /deop for removing.
/voice -> Gives nickname voice in the current channel. Use /devoice for removing.
/mode +h -> Gives halfop status to nickname in the current channel. Replace +h with -h for removing.
/mode + -> Sets mode on the channel.


Nickserv is a network service that allows you to "register" a nickname and prevent others from using it.

/ns register -> Registers your nickname in the nickser database. This is for making sure you can have access to restricted channels and you are the one you say you are. You will receive a mail with further instructions.
/ns identify -> Logs you in with nickserv.
/ns set greet [] -> Sets the greet to the one you gave or removes it.
/ns group -> Groups your current nickname with the target one. This allows you to share channel privileges, configuration and memos with all nicknames in the group.
/ns glist -> Shows all grouped nicknames
/ns ghost [] -> Terminates the connection of target. You need to supply a password if your current nick isn’t grouped with target.
/ns alist -> shows all channels you have access on.
/ns help -> Shows all nickserv commands and help on them.
/ns set language -> Allows you to change your nickserv language. 1 for english, 2 for french and 10 for dutch.


Chanserv is a service that allows users to register and control various aspects of channels. It helps you to prevent channel takeovers.

/cs register -> Registers #channel with Chanserv.
/cs set restricted on -> Enables restricted access
/cs sop add -> add nickname to the SOP list in the channel.
/cs aop add -> add nickname to the AOP list in the channel.
/cs hop add -> add nickname to the HOP list in the channel.
/cs vop add -> add nickname to the VOP list in the channel.
/cs access add -> add nickname to the accesslist with the specified level.
/cs access list -> Lists all users with access to #channel and their level.
/cs unban -> Unbans yourself from #channel if you have sufficent access.
/cs invite -> Tells ChanServ to invite you into a channel.
/cs help -> Shows all chanserv commands and a short description.

Botserv Commands

Botserv allows you to have a bot on your channel.

/bs botlist -> Shows a list of all available bots.
/bs assign -> Assigns bot with botname to #channel.
/bs help -> Shows all botserv commands and a short description.

I hope this all made some sense to you 🙂
