Iran = Fail

Day 668, 14:16 Published in Canada Canada by Alaricus
EDIT Iran = Fail

North West Territories Attacked

Were chasing the Iranians right out of Canada. The bloodthirst of Canadians is high right now, and the Yukon battle did not quench it one bit. Eden had helped us immensely, and I want to personally thank them and all of our Allies for there help.

Not even 16 hours out of the victory that was Yukon, Canada has decided to storm NWT. The polar bears led the charge, along with the lumberjack Commandos, and parts of the CAF.

They are more prepared for this region, hospital and defense system to boot, but The momentum in Yukon will be carried into this battle, and perhaps the Iranians will now realize they shouldn't have screwed with Canadians.

Can you blame us though? Our president tried negotiations with Iran, and this is the response he received from the Iranian Government

They have Made it clear, now so have we.

An Iranian by the name of nsmnavid, was spamming AB's Article, he had this too say,

"we have a saying in Iran,
Wise people count the chickens at the end of fall
meaning: it's too soon for knowing who is defeated.... "

This was my response,

That is a great saying,

But you have failed to realize one thing.

This is our land, and Canadians will fight forever for it.

We are not in Iran, we do not want Iran, you can keep it, but we want what is rightfully ours. So we will be counting the chickens forever, so long as you are on our soil anyways.

Stay Strong Canada,
Alaricus Out.