iPresident - Part Duex

Day 708, 20:43 Published in Japan USA by Dokomo

Once again I find myself a candidate for President. Perhaps this month I will keep it short and sweet. My platform will be as follows:

1) Continuing support for my economic reforms. With the help of Congress, tax reform was instituted but there will remain careful monitoring and tweaking as our economy adjusts. New companies have sprouted to offer products and competition in all sectors of the economy now and should not require any government intervention.

2) Contracts and Responsibility. I and my government will sign the contracts necessary for responsible government and stewardship of Japan's resources. One thing I want to stress is a standardization of government structure from month to month so that each successive government can build upon the efforts of it's predecessor. I want to create and organize tools to help my and future governments do their job efficiently and swiftly.

3) A Commitment to Righteousness. Japan is caught between two great nations in a world war. We need to chart a difficult path between the two by soothing American tempers while strengthening our ties in the PEACE governing structure. Now more than ever, we need active communicators on both sides talking with the populace of Japan.