
Day 1,715, 07:16 Published in India India by Forter

Hail eIndia !

At the moment we have 704 citizens.If we want to become strong and great we need more citizens who will fight for eIndia.

For every citizen who rich 15 lvl. and you invited him,you will get 2 gold.

For every link you put in FB comments at some fans page with more than 500 fans with short description and refferal link you will get 10 Q5 weapons.

If you have some (INDIA) fan page at facebook,and you have 1000 - 5000 fans,and you put invitation link with description,you will get 20 Q5 weapons.

If you have some (INDIA) fan page at facebook,and you have more than 5000 fans,and you put invitation link with description,you will get 60 Q5 weapons.

If you do any of this, send me a message.I need image and link like proof.

If you do not want to do this, but you want to help:

Donate some weapons or money to my profile.

My profile: