Investing: An Overlooked Fortune

Day 393, 22:23 Published in USA USA by NoneSuch

As the eUS continues to grow at an extremely fast rate, more and more people are wondering what to do with their money. Do they want to buy company or buy that house...Should I be a war junky or start a lotto? They all sound good and all have their benefits, but there's one option that is often overlooked which may be the safest and have the biggest return. I'm talking about investing in companies that already have footholds on the market.

- Why Invest -

I know many people have aspirations of starting their own company and one day controlling the entire market. The problem with this is that the eUS already enough companies as it is and most likely yours will be eaten alive within the first few weeks.

If you do this right, this is a guaranteed profit with little risk. You find a person that has already done most of the dirty work for you and give him or her a little added boost to their success. There are plenty of people willing to invest, all you need to do is find them.

- How to Invest -

The first thing you need to do is find a company you think is worth investing in. Preferably at least a Q2 company with a decent amount of employees and an active, willing owner. By choosing Q2 you guarantee that the company already has a foothold in the market and if worse comes to worse and the owner has to sell, you'll be getting most, if not all of your GOLD back. The higher the quality of the company the faster you'll get a return on your investment as well so keep that in mind. The downside to investing in higher quality companies is that the higher quality they are, the more likely it is that they will want a greater initial investment. I'm saying that if you want to invest in a Q4 or Q5 company, be prepared to dish out some serious dough.

The second thing you should do is make contact with the owner and see if he or she is looking for an investor. Most of the time if you come at the owner with a semi-professional looking proposal and come off as a confident, long-term partner, he or she will give your proposal serious thought and in most cases accept your investment. Your money will go towards paying wages, buying an export license thus increasing your market, or upgrading the quality level of the company. It would be a wise decision for you to see where your money would be going seeing as how upgrading the quality level of the company is a better sign than simply paying wages.

The third and last thing you will want to do before finalizing the deal and handing over your money is to make a contract. If you make a half-decent contract that safeguards your money from embezzlement then you have yourself a safe investment. If you're not sure how to make a legitimate contract then look at the tons of other already in the forums. Just don't forget to add a clause stating that you will get your money back in one way or another.

- Misc. Personal Updates -

It's been some time since I've let the public know of my plans for the future and I'd like to take this time to briefly do so. I don't plan on running for congress again due to my recent promotion in the eMarines and because I'm still trying to take a break from politics. I just bought a Q2 Iron company in Spain with multiple export licenses. Hopefully it takes off within the week. As for RL issues, my mother, who happens to be a home health physical therapist, just broke her knee in 3 pieces, so after having surgery tomorrow I'll be driving her around the county to see all of her patients until I have to drive back to school. That's it for now!