Invalidation caught lying again ! TROLL ON THE LOOSE

Day 2,099, 09:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Winston S Churchill

There is a ugly troll in the eUK , this person is total low life , they are nothing to do with New Era and I will add former TUP member, a very sad person , who tells lots of lies , some thing you would find on the bottom of your shoe, it is a shame these type of lonely sad people have to make up such rubbish and lies , that can only make them a nasty little person who needs to take a real look in the mirror , you a SHAMEFUL and your actions are those of a child, I feel sorry for you.

Don't no one in TUP care that he gives you a bad name being a former TUP member

Invalidation is a weirdo and gets strange kicks from his actions, a social outcast !

He is a wasteman , in all his time playing only 1 BH award.

He is proof all he does is tell lies, AWFUL player, AWFUL person

New Era members if you get any mails from this Troll ignore them , the guy is twisted and not right in head.

New Era keep on fighting bullying because some players are really low !