Introductory Screed

Day 400, 14:36 Published in USA USA by Ogdensign

Howdy Y'all,
Seems like I've been muddlin' about this here eRepublik long enough that some fool or fools decided to let me start my own newspaper. I know, outrageous and ill considered to be sure but there you are. As of press time I have been a citizen here for 13 whole days.
I am a MISS/ALA Native born right on the line. Though I've since had to make a move to find work in the steel mills. Seems kudzu farming and the old red clay mine back home just don't get the bills paid in this world. To add insult to injury I have had to leave my native state and move on down to "Freaky Florida" (God bless y'alls little hearts and no offence). Now this was not due to a lack of work mind you. Magic City's (B'ham for you non-natives) steel furnaces have long glowed under Vulcan's smoldering gaze. No it was for hospital care.
Well if I ain't getting a head of myself already. You see it's a long standing family tradition that us Ogdensign's spend some time cutting teeth in our country's armed-forces. Some folks figure its cause we're just ornery & like to fight. That's not it a'tall. Truth told we just tend to go a larking when we're young and seems like the military life is a good way to see a bit of the world, and stay out a trouble till we get our rough edges off. Well far be it from me to buck the family... So when I heard their was a fight on over in France oft to fight I go.
I guess I should say I sort got the cart before the horse here as I neglected to sign up with the Army or National Guard. I just sort stuck my smoke-poles in a poke and hitched a ride with a old buddy of mine what flies "special-cargo" and such. I guess I looked at as sort of like the fight for N'Awlins when Ol'Hickory let hollar for volunteers. Anyway I got to see a few places and I'll y'all let me bend your ear a bit I tell you about'em in my next few issues. (That's press talk for the stuff I'm fixin to write next.)
Till then then... Y'all go with me!