
Day 2,296, 04:52 Published in Malaysia Czech Republic by Rhual

Greetings eMalaysia!

I was just thinking to write an article, who I'm and why I'm staying here.

I arrived to eMY a month ago, but I already was eMY citizen once before: namely I was a traveller around the eWorld in the last 2 years. It's still hang on, only 1 country left which has no free regions for long. During this journey, I visited eMY around a year ago:

So why am I here at the moment? You will get it soon.

I'm Hungarian, so in before my travel I (almost) reached everything there. I was there everything which is reachable, I won all of my presidencies there, I participated in around 30 different government in different positions. Once I was MoD in Iran too, in 2011. May.

I was not just active in the internal affairs, but in the foreign affairs too. I became active after the Phoenix times and participated in the 2 strongest alliance this game ever seen: all time advisor in the alliance Order of New EWorld (ONE) and the last Military Commander of it. It has been destroyed at the end to build another effective alliance from the ruins, which I was a founder: The World is Ours (TWO). I was the leader twice in a row in this alliance, called Secretary General (SG). Over almost 3 years, we ruled the eWorld, destroyed EDEN and CoT, practically won the game together. Those were the times...

Others call me oldf@g, who has seen glorious and tragic moments, movements, acts, even from the admins or the players. I participated in both, I experienced more than 100 others together did not. What could be the next aim after these? I did not find yet. During the long years I've met so many friends and built connections, which I'm keeping it up. I dislike all of the current alliances, I'm totally neutral nowadays. Answering to the question: I'm in eMY to take a rest and get rid of political scandal caused by the big powers. I'm already out of it.

It's me, the only Titan of eMY 😛

If the next governement needs any help, feel free to contact me.