Introduction to Space....

Day 1,723, 12:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Meklon Dramicus

Welcome to space....

...or more accurately, welcome to New Eden.

This is where I spend the majority of my online time (when I'm not attempting to snipe BH's or exploring market economics) and I've lived there for nearly 9 years.

(This is me, before the graphics update and now)

So yes, the majority of these feeds will be about my various adventures in the great cluster of New Eden (with occasional serious E-Rep posts every once in a while) and how I fill the void in my life while I'm waiting to pump up my health.

Well, this is basically a hello post - be sure to tune in as I will be delving into the history and socia-economics that drive this breathing universe and the many many mistakes that can happen along the way.

As a parting gift, I'll leave you with this...

So, hello to all and to all, Fly Safe o>