Introduction, answer and future

Day 544, 20:53 Published in Australia China by srg91

I didn't intent to make this newspaper originally, but due to some unfortunate circumstances, I decided to make this newspaper.

The main reason for my article is this:


Be sure to read that before reading this.

Although it was an aimed troll from icey1174, it actually got me to think about what I have done during my term, and if I should run for the next term.

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First of all, a little about myself. I am srg91, I was introduced into the Australian community after I got contacted by Br0adside after I posted a comment on one of AW's articles

I was introduced onto IRC and learned much from talking to others and in about one week I was determined to help this country out by serving as a Government official.

Days before the senate elections for April term, I talked to Preditorian and he helped me to publish an article.

Srg91 for senate

Response was amazing despite I have only been here for almost a month. I was voted into the top 5 articles of the day, a feat which I have never accomplished again(well I haven't published anymore articles since).

With that article, and about 1 month worth of experience, I was voted in to senate.

It was my first term and my first run, and I was ranked 4th overall with an amazing 16 votes.
I never really knew who my supporters were, but I am sure that they gave me that chance to prove I could make a difference to the senate, and have a say for the people.

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One month has passed since my last article, and now, I am wondering if I should run for senate again. Icey1174 has asked me a really good question, what have I done? Have I given all I could give to those who put me into power? Or have I neglected the roll I was given?

I shall attempt to answer this question:
First of all, I can not say I have been the driving force behind every policy we have made in the senate, but I have actively debated on many of those to share my view and new perspectives on those topics.

I also can not tell you which laws/ proposals I have helped to make into law, there has been too many to name, but I can tell you that I have debated in most of them and I have taken each of the proposals seriously.

Now you may think, hold on, you told us you did this and that , but where is the proof??
My proof lies on the forums, both external (public viewed proposals) and internal (the sensitive ones)
If you do not believe me, go and check them out.

I guess the only real answer I can give out to supporters, haters and all alike is that: Although I can not say I have huge power in my role as senator of NSW, I have given my 100% for all senate debates, senator jobs as well as my attempt to answer all eAustralian citizen queries. (apart from the recent icey1174 question regarding Centrelink, I do not know about its expenditure, and please do not say its "Our Tax payer money" when you do not pay tax for Black Market housing trading.)

I personally believe that I lived up the expectations of those who voted for me, as I have spend my time each day to give 100% back to the eAustralian community.

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The future:

I am not sure if I wish to run for another term as a senator. I have gotten Pros from many of my friends and supporters in PM, MSN and IRC, however there are also those who are calling my resignation as they believe I have done a bad job.

So I am going to let eAustralia decide. If you believe I should have a second run, simply make a comment saying voted up (PMs and such are ok with me too) or something similar, and actually vote this article up. I am really interested to find out how you guys think of how I went last term. And please, no double or triple votes from Orgs. I want to hear what eAustralians wants and not something 5g can buy.

Thank you for reading.


P.S. make sure you comment and I hope this will not turn into a flame feast.
P.P.S, just to clarify, I am a male