Introducing Zoli Tag!

Day 632, 08:25 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

Today I was bored reading some news articles here in the eWorld, and decided to make myself un-bored by reacting to one of the most common posters to articles in the eUS.

I am sure that everybody reading this article has some knowledge of Zoli, PEACE troll extraordinaire. Well, I have decided do devise a game at his expense!

The object of the game is to be the first person to post the phrase "Tag, Zoli's it!" after one of his trolling comments in a F/E paper. PM me a link to that paper and you will receive 1 "Zoli Watch Point"

Every week I will announce the "Zoli watch master" for that week, based on who has the most Zoli Watch Points

Yes this game is mildly stupid and has no real reward, but you can at least entertain yourself at the Expense of Zoli, whom I am sure we all feel like annoying from time to time.