Introducing the Kangaroo Express!

Day 755, 19:21 Published in Australia Australia by Jasper Ferguson

Introducing the Kangaroo Express!

With war on the horizon, Brazil has already begun its attack on the Australian media. By voting up fake/nonsense articles, it makes it harder for the real news to get to YOU. In order to help Australian's take back the nation's media, we are introducing this new program with the approval of the Australian government.

The Kangaroo Express is easy to use! All you have to do to help is fill out a simple form!

Kangaroo Express Sign-up Form

Once every day or two, you'll receive an in-game message with links to important articles to vote up. (Usually 1 to 5 articles) These will include battle orders, news articles and other important messages from government officials. This is a great way for you to make a difference!

About us: Many of you already know Cerb. Cerb is a former Secretary of State (MoFA), Cabinet member under multiple Presidents and Congressman during his days in the USA. As for me, while in the USA, I was also a Cabinet member under multiple Presidents, Speaker of the House (leader of Congress) and Party President of the USWP. Now that we are in Australia, we are fully-committed to doing all we can to ensure that Australia continues to excel.

edit: Name suggestion was by Astra Kat G. Thanks!

Do your part for Australia's media! Sign up to be part of the Kangaroo Express!