Introducing: The Daily Dispatch

Day 1,519, 06:28 Published in USA USA by The Libertine

Hello all interested readers and people who only check articles for teh pictures.

Mere days ago, the wise SG Launcelot launched The Yellow Pages, a stroke of genius in an otherwise stale and dying game. My immediate thought after reading the first release was that this could, and needed, to be done bigger. And so it will.

That is not the whole story, however. SG and I agreed that it would not only be best to have two different advertising magazines in the eUS, that cater to different needs, but that it would be beneficial to both of us to partner up in a way that increases exposure for both our papers and through that: increased exposure for all of our advertisers.

SG has been brought on as Executive Editor and business partner of The Daily Dispatch, and he is really the one to thank for making all of this possible.

Oh yea, and as you can see, Draak is the Editor-In-Chief of The Dispatch, so hold onto your cocks, this is gonna be grorious.

What is the Dispatch?

The Dispatch is going to be a daily advertising newspaper, to be launched the morning of Thursday, January 19th (Day 1,521). It will be published every day (always in the mornings unless there is some kind of mishap that precludes publishing, in which case it will be published later in the day) in this newspaper, The Old World Times.

Whereas the eUS Yellow Pages is a great resource for eUS citizens and younger players in general (both to advertise in, because of lower prices than The Dispatch, and for checking out recruitment/election ads, which is the general focus of the Yellow Pages) with its lower but growing subscription level, The Daily Dispatch will focus more heavily on the global community and business advertisements. With our subscriber base of over 1,500 citizens (from all around the eWorld), our hope is that buyers and sellers and business tycoons (and even governments) will be able to use The Dispatch is a primary resource in connecting with each other in order to conduct international and domestic business deals.

Of course, we will offer copious space for social and newspaper ads as well.

And much more.

A preview of what our article format will look like can be found here:

That is all for now

Launch day is Thursday. If you would like some more information or are interested in purchasing an ad to be published in our launch article, please check out the links below the footer, or send me (The Libertine) a PM.

And do check out our launch on Thursday. Everyone who votes, comments, and subs will receive some freebies. So mark your calendar and check back. The fun has only just begun...

Lastly, Draak has set up an IRC chan at #dailydispatch so stop by there if you would like to talk in real-time to someone about the magazine or placing an ad.

All the best,
The Libertine (CRoy) and The Daily Dispatch staff

p.s. first 20 commenters will receive 5 Q5 tanks each

If you would like to help spread the word, please shout:

Introducing: The Daily Dispatch
Fresh on your doorstep
Every day