Introducing... Stente

Day 1,133, 10:14 Published in Sweden France by Totood The Second

Dear citizens of Homonavia... Forgive me, for I have sinned. It's been a long time since my last article, and I have been a bad boy in between. However, I will try to make up for it before we enter the year of 2011!

Let's start with the beginning. Now that I have finally recieved my Swedish passport, here's an introduction to the person behind the screen. It will be quite short, and will not contain any nudepictures - not untill the end, that is..

You know what they say - a picture says more than a thousand words.. So I've decided to make a picture with A LOT of words for you guys:

BUT, to further help my integration into the Swedish environment, I had my good old pal Svensker Svend help me do an interview.
Of course, Svensker Svend being a Swede, he was almost completely impossible to understand..

SS: "Heyson på deyson, hur går det med dig?"

Me: "Hey SS, I'm doing all fine.. I've been eating a shitload of food, drinking some snaps and "bajere", unwrapping some presents and been singing a lot of old psalms.."

SS: "bra bra, julen är verkligen festivalen av hjärtan"

Me: "Ehrm, sure - whatever that means..."

SS: "Har du ett kromat planera din vistelse här i Sverige?"

Me: "As a matter of fact, I do. I have just signed up for the Norsefire party. You might not know it, put it's much like a mix of MSPA, Partiet and FHD."

SS: "Hur i helvete göra det på vad du står för?"

Me: "Yes, we'll continue as long as hell is still standing"

SS: "Fan du är så dåligt att förstå svenska - vilka mål och ideologier har partiet?"

Me: "Ah, now I get it - well, it's a Far-right, Totalitarian party who's only purpose is to serve HrBjorn. As we say: Strenght through unity, unity through HrBjorn!"

SS: "Men det har ju ingenting att göra med MSPA, Partiet eller FHD?"

Me: "Well, perhaps I have misunderstood their Swedish Propaganda. You really can't blame me, it's a tought job for a foreigner like me to understand all that svenske pølsesnak.. And I'm too lazy to use Google Translate"

SS: "Jag tror snarare att vi måste sluta här, innan vi får på en tangent"

Me:"I'm really not sure where you're going at with that piano-talk, but I think we'd better call it a days work before you get me all confused. Thanks for your time anyway, Svensker Svend. You've been a great help for me and my Swedish Brothers of Homonavia."

So, now you guys know everything that's worth knowing about me. Happy new year for everyone!

(I know - it's a weird ending of the article.. But I have to go get something to eat now."
But first - here's a nudepicture of HrBjorn:

Kind Regards,
(This message was approved by Barney Stinson - now, go suit up and help Homonavia become AWESOME)