Introducing my new e-wife!

Day 1,579, 07:30 Published in Greece Thailand by deleted smee
Goodevening eRepublikans,

So today I got scammed outta some money and apparently the said user has scammed others as well. I guess I'm at fault here too though, I shoulda known better, the guy is INCI after all. Frankly, I couldn't care less about the money, 9300 CC is not much to me, but I believe good deeds should be rewarded and bad deeds should be punished.

Anyways, only wives take your money like this, so I have to guess that Balboa13 is my new e-wife! Please be kind enough to send her a PM congratulating him her on our e-marriage!

I love you balboa13, my new e-wife.

your loving e-husband,
smee again