Introducing: HOPE

Day 1,200, 17:08 Published in Canada Canada by Lavis Knight

Hello everyone,

Today i created a militia called HOPE.

HOPE was established in light of the Citizen supply program. Basically HOPE is not meant to compete for members with the CAF or TCO, but rather act as a halfway between the heavier activity (IRC/Forums) for a more in game approach to belonging to a military force.

Through Citizens supply i learned many e-Canadians are willing to fight for the interests of us all; however, many of them prefer to remain in game rather than go to the peripherials attached to the game. As you can imagine mobilizing and arming these dedicated citizens will add to our might as a whole.

That is part of what HOPE is about, creating a non-tradional militia in order to promote interest, activity and military might without attaching the traditional means to that end (IRC, Forums, ect..)

Any time there is a Citizen's Supply, regular citizens will still qualify as they always have; however, members of HOPE will receive extra supply above and beyond what i regularly hand out; furthermore, i will try to keep members updated of happenings via the military feed.

HOPE also serves as a transition into the CAF or TCO as citizens feel they want to get more involved, and also acts as a place to be if citizens want to reduce their activity for a time, but still want to increase their fighting effectiveness.

The militia's namesake is to increase activity and tap into our latent fighting potential in order to make us stronger as a whole. (Hope 😃)

HOPE is for you if:

You want to be in an active militia and receive supply while not having to log onto IRC or forums.

Want to get your feet wet before joining the CAF or TCO.

Waiting for your CAF or TCO application to be processed and still want to contribute more effectively.

You for whatever reason feel TCO and CAF are not for you.

Want to help me to this end.

Link to the group is here:

Be well!
