Introducing another Legion to The Crimson Order, The 8th Crimson Fist!

Day 1,212, 11:33 Published in Canada Canada by Bruck's Canucks

The Crimson Canucks is proud to announce the addition of another Legion into the TCO family, the 8th Crimson Fist!

Leading the 8th into battle is Captain Kevin Cooper with Lieutenant Toad and Sergeant Josh Carter helping run a legion that has already gotten off to a great start.

Plumbum insisto vel adepto ex via!
Lead, follow or get out of the way!

8th Roster

Captain Kevin Cooper
Lieutenant Toad
Sergeant Josh Carter

Corporal Wolfgang III
Corporal Exalted Druid
Corporal Studster1011
Corporal Gobbee
Corporal PabloTortilla
Corporal Artorius Perim

Please join me in welcoming the 8th into The Crimson Order and wishing them the very best.