Introducing a little bit of anarchy [Presidential Edition]

Day 820, 18:43 Published in Canada Canada by jbdivinus

Jbdivinus walking out of CHAOS HQ

"Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? It's fair! " -The Joker

Behind the Scenes

What has been going on these last few days? Well, we have seen a lot of action, in congress, in party elections, in our economy, and on the international front. Today I will be addressing each of these issues, and explaining them as best I can.


Infrastructure: The biggest thing going on now in congress is the debate about infrastructure. NARC is attempting to purchase two more defense systems for the maritime provinces, and it is beginning to be a very heated debate. I personally support this effort, Canada does not have the potential for a proper fortress strategy, and pretending to won't make it work any better. NARC is putting a lot of effort into this, it is admirable, and I share their view on this.

Weapons Tax: Alucard Bloodlust has put considerable effort in a movement to increase the weapons tax. I am sad to announce that my administration and I do not support this at this time. Wages and Iron prices are at a historical low, and weapons prices are still fairly high. Our army, the CAF, buys a huge percentage of the high quality weapons bought in this country, we believe that the industry is supported enough, as is.

Party President Elections

I would like to congratulate each and every new party president. The elections this time were hardly contested, most parties were quite sure of their direction. Special attention should be brought to the CPP, in which the elections was heavily contested. This is likely due to the CPP having been beaten out of top5 status by the UN earlier this month. They have since launched an intense campaign to regain their status by passing the now 5th place CNC.

Secondly, I would like to address my status as the current PP of CHAOS. I have earned a few trolls for this, but let me explain. This is not about what any party has done in the past to help me out. I am truly appreciative of each and every party who supported me (including 4 of the current top5 parties), especially the Canadian Progressive Front aka CPF, which has been my party for the past few months, whose members I have fought for and worked with, which I have done my best to build up.

Now though, I am the Prime Minister of this great country. I believe in being a leader representing everyone, not being bias towards a specific party or group of people, even though I owe where I am today to many people, and even though I value each of them as friends. So long as I am Prime Minister, I will not be in a top 5 party, nor will I be publicly supporting any political party with respect to party politics.

Teh Economy

As many of you have seen, our monetary market is a little chaotic right now. The new Minister of Finance TaiwanPanda has been working hard to help regulate and reverse this effect. For now, please try to buy offers from Canadians or allies, if you choose to use the MM at all.

The International Front

Peace with the UK: I understand many will be upset. I am more than a little disappointed myself, but after meeting with the UK and several EDEN superpowers (USA, Poland, Spain, etc...) it was decided that it is in the best interest of all nations involved to make our peace on this front, and close the war against UK, which has us against 17 impressive PHOENIX MPP's. We can now focus again on Asia and several strategic regions, such as those with high iron. HelloKitty 2.0 anyone?

Check out Chucky Norris' article on the issue.

EDEN Structure: After several long meetings since I have been elected, our fellow Presidents have been able to work together (including our friends the romanians) to agree to do whatever it takes to win this war. This means no more pointless, selfish moves, no more looking out for oneself and not the team, and once again tasting victory over PHOENIX. Just to let you in on a secret, our country is admired as one of the most helpful and diplomatically powerful countries in the alliance, and in the game 🙂 Keep it up, Canada rules!

That is all
Doctor of the Divine
the Crowned Prince of CHAOS
eCanadian Prime Minister