Intriguing Interview: AngryMobMan

Day 969, 16:52 Published in Canada Canada by Citizen HEM
Exclusive Interview with AngryMobMan!

I had the pleasure of speaking to former Minister of Education, AngryMobMan today. We touched on his past, his views on the current world, and plans for the future. Enjoy!

Citizen HEM: Hey AngryMobMan, thanks for joining us today!

AngryMobMan: Hey 🙂 Thank you for inviting me to talk with you 🙂

Citizen HEM: So, just as an overview, could you tell our readers a little bit about yourself and your history in Erepublik?

AngryMobMan: Well, I was born back in the "middle ages" of V1, of eRepublik (May 11th, 2009). Throughout my eRepublik life, I have come to achieve a number of great things. For starters, I was one of the original "refounders" of the national eUniversity (which is now in use today); I have been in many cabinet positions (such as Minister of Immigration, and minister of education). I have also become an influential member of the Canadian Paradox Party (I was even their party president for 2 months), and as well, I have raised up to become an active and growing officer in the Canadian Armed forces. Of course, needless to say, I help around basically, wherever anyone needs help 😉

Citizen HEM: *nods nods*, So as of right now, your role is primarily advisory?

AngryMobMan: That is correct, yes 🙂

Citizen HEM: What was the most exciting, or unique job you held while being active in eCanada politics?

Angry Mob Man: My most exciting job, would have to be Minister of Education. Now of course, to some people, this job seems bland and boring, but in the end, it really is a crucial role. As a minister of Education, your job is to basically teach eRepublik players, how to play the game 9through means of question and answer seminars, through advisors, (and also through tutoring new citizens). Of course, it is up to the Minister of Education to basically prepare the citizens that come in every day, for the long road that lays ahead of them (so because of it, it is a very time consuming and demanding job, as new things will pop up each day). So in the end, although the job may be tough, you need to look back at it and say "Wow. Just look at how I have made eCanada a better place". It is a tough job, and a silently rewarded one. I love teaching new citizens in this "minister" manner, and I always will 😉

Citizen HEM: What is your opinion on the state of that Department since you left? Has it become stronger, or faltered in some areas?

AngryMobMan: The Ministry of Education has seen its fair shares of ups and downs. However, at this time, I feel that the Ministry of Education, has become slightly more neglected from when I left (Please Note: The eUniversity is separate from the ministry of education. The eUniversity is doing very well, but the neglect is coming from the Ministry of Education). Mainly, I feel that it has gone downhill, since first of all, no known Minister of Education has been properly announced (that I know of), which basically means... there is no ministry. Second of all, I have not seen (in a decent amount of time) any articles from the ministry Newspaper, which means, that the primary source that the MoE uses (Newspapers) is also being neglected. Therefore, citizens are now slightly less educated, since now, the eUniversity must teach everyone, rather than the eUniversity and Ministry of Education working together! It is saddening in a few ways to see this happen to such a valuable ministry.

Citizen HEM: What is your opinion about the transition to V2? What do you see in the future?

AngryMobMan: Well, the continued transition to V2 will be a challenge indeed. It will most certainly be a challenge for the government, since a new depth of strategy is needed in order for eCanada to prevail, and as well, a great amount of communication is also necessary! As for the future of eCanada.. Well, in the coming weeks, I predict there will be mass confusion and a little bit of chaos, since everyone is trying to learn out the new modules and whatnot. However, after that, I feel things will start to level out, and the government will become even more effective than before!

Citizen HEM: Righto, do you have any future intentions of returning to active politics?

AngryMobMan: Certainly! However, due to my Real Life condition currently, I am not going to actively participate in politics for the rest of the month of July. However, when August comes around, I have already been offered a few positions, and I will be willing to take them. After that, in later months, such as September and October, I will run for Party president, of the CPP, and then finally in November, I will run For Country President 😉

Citizen HEM: Ambitious plan, speaking of which, what are your thoughts on the upcoming elections?

AngryMobMan: Well, congressionals are always hard for me to talk about, since they are so unpredictable. I mean, of course Citizen B and the likes of them will get in... but I mean the newer citizens. Basically, all I have to say, is I hope the newer congress members realize how important their role is, and that they stay CALM, and DO NOT propose "lulz" ideas... As for the presidentials, I am unsure who is running right now for the upcoming presidentials (not 100% sure), so I do not have a comment on them at this time.

Citizen HEM: Do you think it is good that some veterans can sit in their seats for so long? Does it help the country overall?

AngryMobMan: As we have learned from past experiences, it is NOT a good thing if veterans remain in their seats forever, for a couple of reasons. First of all, they can become "power hungry" (just look at the Ironman` case), and will eventually end up hurting eCanada. Second of all, if they stay in their spots for a long time, then new citizens have a decreased chance of getting into specials groups (like congress), since the veterans "hog" all of the spots; and in the end, this proves to be bad, since then newer citizens do not gain valuable experience as easily as they should in politics. So overall, my answer would have to be NO, that a country should see a fair amount of veterans moving over for a month or two (it doesn't mean they need to quit fully) so new citizens get a chance. It provides education, and prevents corruption!

Citizen HEM: Alrighty, to conclude, do you have any advise for new players in the game?

AngryMobMan: For new players, my biggest piece of advice would be, Never Give Up! eRepublik rising may seem confusing, a challenge, a headache, and so much more for your first few days.. but we are here for you, and eCanada is here for you. Don't give up easily, because once you get past that small barrier, you will grow up and learn, thus making you a greater part of eCanada, and a greater part of society, which in the end, will make eCanada's future brighter 😉

Citizen HEM: Woot! Thanks so much for you're time!

AngryMobMan: Thank you for inviting me 🙂 It was a pleasure 😃

If anyone would ever wish to be interviewed by the Dispatch, simply PM myself! We are always looking for more victims...erm...guests...