Interviews of a Patriot: Part One

Day 576, 13:21 Published in USA USA by Touni
"Magog on the March, News you can't abuse!"

As promised to my interviewees, I am publishing Part One today. Thanks to my good friend Jeremy Hutchinson, I have interviewed two key figures in the Operation. One on the Liberation side and one on the Turkish side.

The first interviewee is BattalGazi. After messaging him asking if I could interview him, I asked him some questions which he responded to politely and quickly. We used the message system in this interview.

Question One: What was your reaction when you first found out about Operation: Turkish Delights?
Answer: I was not surprised, I bought a moving ticket and waited starting 😁

Question Two: So you saw the liberation of Greece coming?
Answer: Yes.

Question Three: Did any of the Nations fighting in Operation: Turkish Delights surprise you or did you suspect all of them to?
Answer: Nope, these nations fought on old wars too, so I wasn’t surprised.

Question Four: How did the Turkish government respond to the Operation at the beginning and after the liberation? Are they still bitter or do they realized what happened and just move on?
Answer: Of course realized, and we are moving on 😉

Question Five: Did you try and fight in all of the fronts or did you stay in an important position?
Answer: Only Central Greece.

Question Six (Last Question): What are your final thoughts about the Operation and its outcome?
Answer: It was a bloody war on Central Greece 😛
I want to congratulate the other side.

Touni- I'd like to thank you again for your participation. I should have it up ether sometime tonight or tomorrow if I don't have enough time. You guys fought one hell of a fight. Thank you again.

BattalGazi- You are welcome, don't forget to send me a link 🙂

Touni- I will.

After the interview with BattalGazi was over, I got in contact with Leroy Combs. The difference with his interview is that we were able to conduct it on IRC. Here is the transcript. I've spaced the question parts out so you, the reader, could identify them easier. At the end, we got to talking about PTO's. Being the Editor I am, I've made only minor changes to it, such as correcting a spelling mistake here and there. All of the transcript is the actual thing.

01[22:40] Again, thank you for participating
[22:40] Good to be here

01[22:40] Ok, the first question is what was your role in Operation: Turkish Delights?
[22:41] I'm a member of the joint chief of staff
[22:41] and commander of the Airborne
01[22:41] So you helped organize the troops in preparation
[22:42] Yes with many others

01[22:42] Were you on the front lines when the Operation commenced?
[22:42] My command is fairly new and by the second day we were completely deployed
[22:43] Yes I was in Turkey
01[22:43] got the army deployed that quickly
[22:43] 90 percent of the entire military was deployed the first day
[22:43] maybe more
01[22:44] Simply amazing
[22:44] We had a plan and we followed it

01[22:44] During the final battle at Central Greece, were you worried that the Liberation would lose it and suffer a huge setback?
[22:44] The funny part is Turkey had a copy of it
01[22:44] Funny
[22:45] We were concerned but we were prepared to push it to conquer
[22:45] Turkey fought very bravely and it was an extremely close battle
01[22:45] I've heard
[22:45] Timing was important
01[22:46] Especially when the Turks brought in reinforcements from Hungary
[22:47] Yes, the diversion seemed to really pay off

01[22:48] Did you believe that Turkey would continue to fight or she would recall all of its troops back?
[22:48] how do you mean?
[22:48] We were surprised they gave up 2 or 3 regions without really fighting

01[22:50] I'm sure you took them by surprise. But when I interviewed BattalGazi, he seemed to have predicted the liberation of Greece
01[22:50] He suspected it
[22:50] He had a copy of our plan
[22:50] why was he surprised
01[22:51] Sorry, let my mind wander and accidentally typed that
01[22:51] Looking over my notes from his interview
01[22:52] He actually wasn't surprised at all
[22:52] To be honest it feels good to liberate someone's regions and give them back
01[22:53] I'm sure everyone involved were very proud when they liberated Greece
[22:54] Yes, it was the first time we gone toe to toe with a large foe and won we were close in FER but couldn't finish

01[22:54] What are your final thoughts about the Operation and its outcome?
[22:55] Our military learned several things and we will try to apply them to our next deployment

01[22:56] Anything you would like to say to Turkey?
[22:56] It was a great feeling when the Central Greece battle closed
[22:57] They fought bravely and I think they gave us their best shot, they have some very good soldiers and seemed to be well disciplined and motivated

[22:57] We would just like for more people to have their own regions back.
[22:58] To many regions are presently occupied by foreign powers
01[22:58] Because of the chaos of V1
[22:59] It was a difficult time,
[22:59] It will be interesting when/if they implement citizenship
01[22:59] That would actually help stop PTOs
[23:00] I would hope so
01[23:00] The one that they had in Germany a year back was disastrous
[23:00] They have cheapened the game to the point some people wonder why work so hard at it if it can be taken so easily
[23:01] there have been several
01[23:01] Yes, I know
[23:01] a lot of gold has been plundered by PTO's
01[23:02] That especially the truth with Turkey, not to be one-sided, just pointing it out
[23:02] They aren't the biggest ones by any stretch
01[23:03] Who was it that stole a lot of gold using PTO... I can't remember
[23:03] There are three main country's that do 80 percent of the TO's
01[23:03] Oh, sorry, go on
[23:03] gold was taken from Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines,
[23:04] most of the Baltic states
01[23:04] That place has been a battle zone since the start of the Battle System
[23:04] yes but when you see 4K gold plundered in one election cycle you start to wonder
01[23:05] That would make you think
[23:05] if you get a chance you should interview harlot
[23:06] He is our chief of staff and was responsible for several of the big decisions that allowed us to win
01[23:06] I know!
01[23:07] I'll make a series out of interviews so I can get to him
[23:07] The real credit for our victory goes to the regular soldier that put in his 5 or 6 fights each day
01[23:07] And it's them that I solute
[23:08] Same here
01[23:08] The series is going to be dedicated to the men and women that fought on both sides
[23:08] Sounds interesting
[23:09] I will look forward to reading it
01[23:09] I'll send you the link
[23:09] Thank you
01[23:09] The first one will be you and BattalGazi
01[23:10] Thank you for your time
[23:10] I think it probably should have been harlot and BattalGazi
[23:10] Touni: anytime you want to talk to me let me know
01[23:10] I could put you into the second one if you don't mind.
01[23:10] Ok
[23:11] That is fine, if we are fighting I will be in it
01[23:12] I have to try and contact Harlot now. Thank you again for letting me interview you
[23:12] anytime
[23:12] talk to you later
01[23:12] You also

Those are the first two interviews, ending Part One of 'Interviews of a Patriot'. I'm currently in the process of contacting the next two interviewees. I hope you've enjoyed these interviews and til next time.