Interviewing eCyprus II

Day 1,951, 13:30 Published in Cyprus Greece by Conium

I decided to interview all the eCypriot parties,hoping that in this way I will help myself and anyone else that would like to get involved in politics.I sent four simple but important questions to the presidents of the parties.The asnwers will be published and presented in parts.This is the second part of these series and I hope I'll get more answers soon.You can always check the previous article for more interviews if you didn't until now.

Cypriot National Guard
Orientation: Far-right, Authoritarian

1)Tell us a few things about your party.Why is it called like that and why was it found?Is there anything really important in its history you want to mention?
The party CNG (Cypriot National Guard) was taken over by me (Rauf Raif Denktas) from a group of nationalist Greeks,approximately 1,5 years ago.There was no certain reason for its creation.It is just the official party of CNG military unit and anyone can join from eCyprus.

2)What are your goals?What do you want our eCountry to achieve?
As a party we don't have political goals or ambitions,because we are just a small group of friends,in our small cypriot community.But as military unit our goals are 2:
1,have fun
2,expansion for eCyprus and prosperity for the eCypriots.

3)How do you pick the candidates for the elections?Do they follow any policies?
1,5 years as I said above,we were electing random citizens as congress members,all that until this month,that CNG is out from top 5 parties,so it will be the first time after all this time that we will not have congress members from CNG.

4)How is your party organised?
We are not organized. 😃
United Cyprus Party
Orientation: Center

1)Tell us a few things about your party.Why is it called like that and why was it found?Is there anything really important in its history you want to mention?
The name is pretty much self was found and exists to unite.Unite different real life countrymen into an electronic world of a country called eCyprus.The whole history of the party can be found here ( and everyone important is mentioned in that article.

2)What are your goals?What do you want our eCountry to achieve?
Our goals are simple.We are obviously not bonus hunters or big idealists that think a country of 100 active players can compete similar with 5.000.We highly believe though that our position on the map offers us many strategical military and political possibilities.One single "change" of plans can automatically affect surrounded countries aswell.

3)How do you pick the candidates for the elections?Do they follow any policies?
The current Party Presidents announces in Party feeds,friend Feeds and massive PMs that the Congress candidates should send him a PM usually including the following
2.Will to help eCyprus
3.Perception to follow the party's and country's rules.
In every election our main priority is new players without medals but we also put experienced players to guide and to avoid internal problems.

4)How is your party organised?
The Party President is not the mental Leader.He might press the buttons and take the final decisions but the opinion of everyone matters.Same happens with our Country President.
We don't always support people from our party as that would be unjust.We are open-minded and have occassionally supported people with respectful ideas in the past even from different political parties.
Respect your teammates and have fun!