Interview with Tom Hagen

Day 521, 14:56 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

Luckily, Tom saved this interview after I accidentally deleted it so I present this to you, an interview with one of Canada's oldest and most respected, Tom Hagen.

Derek Harlan😛 Hello Tom, how are you today?

Tom Hagen: I'm good Derek, glad to be here with you today

Derek Harlan😛 Thank you, and same to you. Now tell me a little bit more about yourself

Tom Hagen: Well what is there to say...
I have been in eCanada since December 07 and I have held a wide variety of positions
from Mayor of Ottawa all the way through to President

Derek Harlan😛 December 07? That is impressive to see you have been here so long. Now as the president of CPP, what are your plans for the party? Are you going to be running for President anytime soon?

Tom Hagen: In regards to CPP all I can tell you is that I plan to continue to help the party grow and to help it to become a force to be reckoned with again. In regards to the Presidency, I currently have no plans to run.

Derek Harlan😛 If you aren't planning on running, are you currently content with Bruck's term so far or is there someone else you want to see lead eCanada?

Tom Hagen: He's done a good job so far however I am sure there are others that can do just as good a job.

Derek Harlan😛 Personally, I tend to agree with you but I think that a change after this month's term might be best. After the Canadian money scandal, what are your thoughts on what happened and who should be held responsible, if anyone at all?

Tom Hagen: In regards to who is responsible: I think its a combination of all of us. We have all been too lax with security and this has lead to us losing 35,000 CAD. I don't think we can really blame just one person for this.
What happened happened and now we have to move on and get on with improving the country.

Derek Harlan😛 Wise words from a wise man. I believe that no one is responsible if someone
account was hacked but a lot of people believe heads should roll. Switching over to congress, what are your opinions on transparency and how will you try to accomplish this if you are elected to congress?

Tom Hagen: Transparency can only be good for the country as long as things of a sensitive nature remain confidential.
The cloistered nature of eCanada is too ingrained for it to change in one term.

Derek Harlan😛 Yeah, if I were a congress member I would want people to know what we talk about but also make sure nothing important is leaked. What other things are you planning to do in congress?

Tom Hagen: I hope to support our healthcare and help some of our border regions gain hospitals. That was the idea behind the Albertan Q5 Hospital Fund that was initiated (details:
The Ontario/Quebec populace makes up the majority of our population and so have taken priority. But I think previous administrations have forgotten about the border regions
Like Alberta and Nova Scotia etc

Derek Harlan😛 The CPP has definitely been active so far in trying to change things up. Do you think that Q5 hospitals are crucial to a country's success?

Tom Hagen: I don't think that Q5 hospitals are crucial but they definitely help

Derek Harlan😛 I think that they aren't something the country should risk spending too much on but they are definitely a benefit. Is there anything else that you would like to say?

Tom Hagen: I would just like to thank you for taking the time to interview me. I am sure there are others out there worth the time.
I recommend all to check the CPP literature and make an informed choice in the congressional election.

Derek Harlan😛 Thank you so much for this interview. I am pleasured to be able to talk to such an experienced and knowledgeable veteran of the game. Good luck in congress Tom and good night.

Tom Hagen: Good Night Derek.

After learning a little bit more about Tom, I have realized that he is a very good leader for the CPP party and he is going to continue to do great things for Canada. He is a very respectable person and I am pleasured to have gotten to know him and I want to thank him for his kindness doing an interview with me and allowing me to run for congress in his party.

Tomorrow, if you live in Nunavut, vote for Tom Hagen and if you live in Newfound and Labrador, vote for Derek Harland!! Sorry, I had to do a little bit of self-advertising here.

This is Derek Harland signing off.