Interview with the President of eAustria

Day 1,433, 05:23 Published in Austria Austria by A.Emmerich

This is an interview with the eAustrian Country President, csaba.pinter.

1.) How much time do you spend on eRepublik? Are you addict to it? 😛
- I could not say exactly how much time I spend here (I dare not count that 😛 ), but I'm pretty sure the hours I spend here makes me think I'm an addict. 😛 So it means many-many hours (really 😛 ). I am mostly here during the day, even if I am not on irc (or I don't read it all the time).

2.) If you would need to choose a player in eRepublik for your ideal, who would be that player?
- Well, that is a hard question. Most of my eRepublik friends know, that my teacher was/is AliasSun. So I think he is one of my ideals. But I can also say Rangeley, erdoni and Luis Grindl. These players are like a role model for me. I want to be a worthy successor of them.

3.) What do you think about your presidency and the work of your cabinet so far? Are you succesful?
- I think we do, what we are capable of. Our deal with slovakia is done, and there is a lot of work behind that. And we have joined forces with the most strongest nations in eRepublik, so we can learn from them, we can help them, and we can show them, that we worth their friendship. There is some other mpp in plan, hopefully with these mpp proposals we will establish the future of eAustria in the eWorld politics. I had some other plans too in my campaign, and we will work to reach these too as soon as possible. We have more and more people registering and comeing to eAustria, and I hope that means that we are going to the right way (I hope its not a PTO 😛 ).

4.) We signed some MPPs in the previous days with more ONE countries, and eAustria was/is a pro-ONE nation too. What do you think, will our country join to the ONE alliance one day?
- I think we have to be satisfied with our current position. We are a small country, with few active people. But I really hope, that one day we can be strong, like Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Sweden, Macedonia or I can even say Spain (who are in great trouble now, but we already offered them our help, if they need us). And If we will be strong enough, to be part of ONE, I hope we will be part of it. But we have to work hard, to reach a goal like this.

5.) eAustria is a small country, many players say in Austria browser games are not too popular. What do you think, how could we make our populace bigger? Should we recruit RL foreigners, or not – only austrians?
- I believe eAustria belongs to RL austrians. But unfortunately there are too few of them right now. We have to work together, every eAustrian citizen to make that big population boom to have a stabile mostly austrian country. Although most of the leading citizens are already austrians, and every cabinet is trying to have predominant RL austrian members. Every newcomer is welcomed in our country. My personal opinion about this question, that most of the newcomers should be RL austrian.

6.) What do you think, what should be the main goal of eAustria in the game?
- The first and most important goal should be to survive the big wars, what we see day by day on the map. We should be rich and powerful nation, but to reach that, we need to have strong economy, have strong export and strong soldiers to protect this economy. In this economic crisis we have in eRepublik these months doesn't help us. With these gold prices it is hard to move ahead, and it is also not easy for new players. I think that is the reason, that there is so many inactive player, because the beginning is too hard and to slow for the newbies.

7.) Are you going to candidate for the next CP elections too?
- Actually I like to be president of this country, but the reason I ran on the october election, that I wont have time to be president until january or february because of my university studies. But after that I will definitely try again to run CP. So my answer is no, I wont run next month.

Thank you very much for the interview! 🙂