Interview with the Devil Duck!

Day 1,776, 13:53 Published in Canada Canada by Catsoo

Hello fellow Canucks! Today, I did something I don't normally do! I interviewed a presidential candidate, ElPatoDiablo! Here are his responses:

Can you promise you won't abandon eCanada?
Haha, yes I can promise that I won't suddenly leave Canada. Unless I fall into a coma, die, or Mary Chan kidnaps me and puts me in a cage in her basement like she did with Wally.

Why are you in the CPF?
I am in the CPF because I really like the people and the 7 tenets of the party.

Can you tell us some members of your Cabinet?
I'm still in the process of forming that cabinet. I will release an article when it is all assembled.

Can you summarise your articles into a few sentences for us?
I will provide stable, committed leadership. I will give Canada a clear sense of direction in foreign affairs that will benefit us in the long run. I will also do my best to provide Canada with responsible options for war to keep people entertained.

Do you have a sure plan for eCanada's future?
I do have a sure plan for Canada and I will do my best to implement that plan. I have basically two options, and one that I prefer. I'm not going to go into detail. However my MoFA knows what I would like and understands our options.

If that fails, do you have a back-up plan?
When it comes to foreign affairs right now, there isn't much of a "backup plan". Currently, you're basically on one side or the other.
We could always stay independent, which can be very problematic.

Can you tell us a bit about your past eLife?
I had another profile before this (until I think I lost my login info). My overall eRep career started out in eMerica. I distinctly remember fighting in World War III as America was cornered in Florida back when the war module was more dynamic and then fighting until America back to full strength.
After some time, I looked for another home, a smaller community and moved around a lot. I know for a fact that I went to Australia for a while. Being ePoor, I wasn't able to move around much. Eventually, I became quite inactive and slowly backed out of the game. I must have been a Russian citizen for some time because that's my only Market license. I finally became a Canadian citizen on December 2, 2011 where I was inactive and barely even two-clicking up until this past summer. I think that's a decent little summary.

Would you ever consider running again?
I will consider running as long as people approve of me, want me, and vote me into office.

Thanks for your replies! So, here you are, Canucks. This is, right now, a bit of an insight into a presidential candidate's mind. Will he succeed in 'fixing' eCanada? Will he even succeed in winning the hearts of eCanadians? Only time will tell!

P.S. Yeah, I know I suck at tension... I won't try that again! XD