Interview with the Cro CP Hrcozgb

Day 2,218, 13:55 Published in Ireland Croatia by Dark Fallen Arrow

Croatia is one beautiful country with very hard history, in some points similar to Ireland. They had tough war with Serbia recently and they still feel consequences. That is the reason of such antagonism with eSerbians. They are Catholic country, one of the oldest European Kingdom and nowadays they are a member of EU.

Most of their traditions are related to Catholic church.They started to celebrate Halloween recently. Then they have lots of national saints, St. Mary traditional protector so on 15.08. there are lots of pilgrimages into her honor. Also, in this time of the year they have "Kolinje" in which people slaughter pigs and then they make sausages and spend weekends together..

Half of the people in Croatia listen to "Cajke" music (something like trash music) while the other half is more into pop,rock,R&B etc

The cuisine in Croatia has the fallowing things: grilled meat which is very popular, "turkey with dumplings", Zagorje strudel, smoked ham from Drnis and etc

Enough with the general information about Croatia so here is the interview with the president of Cro Hrcozgb

1.Could you tell us something more about you ?
-35 y old engineer, telecommunications, currently working and living in Germany (since 1.7). married, 4y daughter

2.What were your reasons for becoming a president ?
-Main reason was that i hate surrendering and defeat and since i am coming from the current strongest MU in Croatia, we decided that we need to kill this boring situation when nobody even tries to fight against TWO.I gathered good team, best tacticians in the game zdlemmy returned,and during last CP we started a fight which lasted for almost 30 days then we agreed that I should take over the CP so that we keep fight going if some politicians or thief comes, we would still cry "o, it is boring" and ofc, i needed last medal.

3.Could you tell us something about Croatian society and how does it work ?
-Well.. we have couple of groups, but currently we had good atmosphere. I think that ppl realized that either we will do mass log out or try to have fun. TWO is more dominant and i don't see purpose in playing such game. If they like it, i cannot do anything. But at least we have found some joy in the game.Basically, we are very proud nation... we fight through all our history,we lost many battles but we never give up.... that's why we never stop fighting in erep.

4.After the fall of Two which path will Croatia take ?
-I doubt that two will fall... some nations prefer interest above pride.

5.Which countries are your closest allies and why ?
- In erep,BiH and Albania.. mostly bcs RL issues with Serbia.. And we have good relations with USA, recently Chile, Brasil, Finland, part of Greek community, Turkey, part of Romania, small part of Spoland, China .....

6.Which countries are the biggest threat to Croatia development ?
-Serbia... we have luck that our enemy is the most powerful erep nation.. but many times David knockout Goliath

7.What is your personal opinion about Ireland ?
-I have RL sympathy for Ireland, but you definitely need BB to be more efficient country in this game. and I don't understand why you like so much English football clubs, they are your enemies.

8.How do you see Croatia-Ireland relations ?
-They are good, i don't see any blocking points in the future.

9.Do you think our countries can be in the same alliance ?
-well, i know that you have good relations with Bulgaria. And i don't think that we will be in the same alliance with them, Croatia didn't forgot some of their actions. But that doesn't mean that we will request that you break this relations or we will become enemies over the night.

10.Is your government making some plans about the new BB project and if it is can you tell us something more about it ?
-Nope.. we just created couple of plans for future war campaigns, but nor for BB

11.What would you recommend or say to the Irish society ?
-Stop supporting English clubs and never surrender!

I would personally like to thank the Cro CP for doing this interview with me and with all my heart I wish him all the best and success in RL and in game as well to the rest of the Croatian community. Good luck guys ! o7

Previous articles:
-Interview with the BG CP-NKFV