Interview with Swathikrishnan- President of India

Day 1,141, 15:06 Published in India USA by India101

1. How long have you been playing erepublik?
1 year 8 months

2. If you are elected next term what will you do?
I would like to continue my efforts, Our government has really done a good job this term, negotiating with China, Establishing 2 parties with private help, the job market is stable as of now. If I am elected again I will focus on finalising the deal with China, stabilising the economy and restarting IAI.

3. Name a historical figure that you greatly admire- [erepublik, and real life]
eRepublik : David Forde and Arjaaaine /// RL - Leonardo Da Vinci

4. What do you think of the new tax proposal by the ministry of fiance?
I believe we have to increase the taxes because the Government has a lot of spending to do every month for the development of eIndia, If we can earn enough revenue from the proposed tax system we can restart Internal Affairs India (IAI had helped newbies with food and gifts during V1-V2), also some of this money can be pumped into the army budget.

5. What do you see China as?- Ally, Neutral, or Hostile

6. Do you think that it is possible for Pakistan and India to become allys ever?
We cant become allies unless the Dioists leave Pakistan but ofcourse conflicts between eIndia and ePakistan will always occur due to RL issues and boredom

7. How do you feel about Dioists?
I hate them hehe

8. Would you like to say anything to all the other canidates that are running?
Good luck guys

9. Would you like to say anything to the Indian public?
Keep fighting hard !

10. In the future which alliance will India plan to join if you are relected?
If we have to join one : EDEN but if you look at current global events, alliances are falling apart, so we have to observe. Also if we plan to join an alliance, it will be a long process, getting approval from other members in the alliance etc.11. How do you think the Indian Public feels about the current and past actions you have taken in this term as president?

11. How do you think the Indian Public feels about the current and past actions you have taken in this term as president?

I get complaints that I dont publish regular articles being the president hehe - which I plan to improve