Interview with Shakugan Shana

Day 1,566, 07:55 Published in North Korea North Korea by Kim Young
Hello citizens of North Korea,
Today with me is the famous in North Korea and China - Shakugan Shana. She will gladly answer my questions.

1. Who are you in RL ?

I am an indoorsy girl,living in Wuhan,Hubei Province in China.

2.And who are you in the game? Tell us about your eLife.

I was considered as the Rank No.1 in Forbes wealthiest People list in eChina, because I once had more than 500 workers working for my company. People used to call me Boss nana.
For some reallife reasons, I left this game for 4 monthes and my business burst up.
North Korea is a mysteric country to the world. That's why I choose it and I want to stay here forever.

3. Why Shakugan Shana? Where does it come from?

My name comes from a Japanese comic. I like Shakugan Shana, the girl with red hair. So I decided to use it as my eName.

4. What did attract you and what keeps you in the game?

The friendship between players attracts me most and is the reason to keep me in the game. I don't want to leave them.

5.Do you have a favorite module in the game? Which and why is it better than the others?

I love V1 most because it is simple.😛

6. Do you have a favorite moment in the eHistory of China or North Korea?

The favorite moment of my elife is the time I found the money in my account is the EXACTLY multiple of millions. XD
I am a business woman, I love gold, I love CNY.

7.What are we missing in order to be better?

Communications. My English is not good and I think this is the gap between us.

8. Please, wish or say something to our readers.

I wish everyone can live longer than Plato.

Yours sincerely,
Kim Young