Interview with Pheno Sony, UIP Party President

Day 1,153, 05:27 Published in USA USA by Onishi

Pheno Sony took some time out of his day to do this interview with me, in which he discusses his ambitions, and his life as a banana. Pheno has been a very influential figure of late, and now that he has ascended to Party President of the UIP, it's only a matter of time before he takes over the word.

Hey Pheno Sony, how are you?

I'm pretty good, you?

I am wonderful. Tell us a bit about yourself, how long are you playing, what have you done with yourself up to this point? How long have you been a member of the UIP?

Haha sure. Technically I started around may of 09. After a bit of quitting time, I came back around January or February. Far too long for a browser game. I've done a lot of Party Politics up to this date, with a few sprinkles of Interior work as well. And I've been a UIP party member for about 9 months now

What inspired you to run for the UIP Presidency? What do you plan to do with the party now you're elected?

Well, I ran for Party President because I think the UIP is at a rare time to really grow, and I feel as though this banana could help us grow like crazy. It's pretty cool that the party thinks so too. I plan on making the party a bit more active in the rest of the US. We're pretty active in our own private forums, and our own private IRC channels, but we're a party of america, at the end of the day. Time to really shine. I've also got a bunch of other idea's floating around, but I'm sure every President of anything says that.

You're becoming quite prominent in the political arena lately, what are your future ambitions? Who would say would be your strongest political rivals?

I plan on pretty much sticking to the party politics aspect of eRepublik. It's where I'm happy, and it's pretty freaking easy to have an opinion. As for my strongest political rival, there's a lot of people who come to mind. In the UIP, i'd have to say Justin McCravok. He seems to always want to compete with me with pretty much everything I do. It's pretty fun though. As for the US, it's hard to say. Every active politician has something new to offer, so it's hard to pick out one specific person.

How have you found Haliman's Presidency so far?

I think he's doing a better job then most people tried to foresee. The country is still standing, obviously. I think the nay sayers have pretty much got owned. I'm pretty happy with what's he done so far

What do you think the greatest challenges are facing the eUS today? If you hypothetically became our President, what would you do about them?

I think the greatest challenge with our country is a challenge with all countries. Laziness. Too many people are dependent on others, without being willing to do the work themselves. When Colin Lantrip became president, he did Operation monkey business. And that generated A LOT of activity for our country. While every President has had their own way to increase activity, I think that OMB had the best result. I'd probably do something along those lines.

If you weren't in the UIP, what party would you be?

As much as a bad rap they're getting now, I think I'd be a Fed. There's something quite sexy about them, I think. I don't know why. Either that, or I'd be a Technocrat. I miss that party so much.

What do you think of the current atmosphere on the US Forums, and how do you compare if to the old one?

They're about 60% better. I'm glad that the old ones are gone. They were full of trolls, and hatred. If not anything, these new forums are attempting to try to squash the trolling done. I give them my potassium thumbs up.

Are you secretly a member of chickensguise' Mafia, and if so, who's on the hit list?

Why yes I am. It's actually quite a good place to hang out and try to kill peopl- WAIT A MINUTE. I mean, of course I am not. Who would think these things?

Would you consider yourself to be addicted to eRepublik, and if so, what would make you leave? RL or in-game.

Can you name one person on IRC who is NOT addicted to eRep? If you have ever said "I am not addicted to eRepublik" , you need a serious reality check. I think I'd leave if I got a social life. No social life + empty house + very fast laptop = Amazing amount of boredom. Throw in a crappy game with horrible admins, and an economy that sucks donkey balls, and you've got eRepublik addiction.

Who would you consider to have been the most influential player for you?

Kazeal. Definitely. Fun fact about Pheno: I'm extremely paranoid. Kazeal is pretty much the only one that has my password to everything. I made a promise to him that if he left the eCountry, I'd follow him. I'm just that creepy.

What was your proudest moment in eRepublik?

I think it was my PP race against Justin McCravok. I was the underdog, and he was FAR more active then I was. I figured i'd be decimated, but I ended up tying for PP against him. Even though I lost that month, it was pretty legit. That or when I rose from the dead as Banana Jesus. Either or.

Anything you're ashamed of?

My naked cartwheeling. Right before I cartwheel, I get this gut feeling that it's wrong to do so. But then I put myself out there, start doing aerobics, and I feel great. Just that one moment before I strip naked is very shameful for me.

Any final words? Anything you've always wanted to say to America but never had enough balls to until now?

To everyone who says "Oh it's just a game Lololosazzadas !!11!!!!" Just realize this. When you spend more then 5 hours a day on your computer playing a glitchy browser game, it's more then that. Yeah, most of us need a reality check. But so do you. (inb4recruitment) Also, you should join the UIP. We really are a great community. Or at least hang out in our IRC channel. Also, I dislike the random hate mail that I get for being a banana. You're just a fruit-ist!