Interview with Paolo Cheng

Day 1,557, 23:27 Published in North Korea North Korea by Kim Young
Hello citizens of North Korea,
For a long time I have been planning to make a series of interviews with famous North Koreans and now I finally started my project.

My second guest will be Paolo Cheng.

1. Who are you in RL ?

I am working and living in Hong Kong SAR, China.

2.And who are you in the game? Tell us about your eLife.

I was introduced to this game by a popular Chinese website. At the beginning, my eLife in eChina had been miserable, not enough food to keep health, not enough money to buy food, until I moved to eNK about one and half years ago. I found the people here were very nice, very gentle, and very elegant (they still are now). Therefore, I have not and would never change my citizenship again.

3. Why Paolo Cheng? Where does it come from?

Well, it’s really embarrassing. My first name was Angelo, which sounds great, you know, angel and jelly. Sadly, he was killed by Plato about a month later. Then, I registered my second name, Peter. Again, Plato killed him soon. I was desperate and decided to sacrifice the other one, Paolo, to the greatest Plato. Surprisingly, he survived till now and he is interviewing with you.

4. What did attract you and what keeps you in the game?

You would be powerful, rich, and popular in the game as long as you could keep logging in the game every day. This is what attracted me most. Actually, two things keep me in the game: watching people come and go and collecting all the achievements.

5.Do you have a favorite module in the game? Which and why is it better than the others?

The game is getting better and better and I believe a perfect game could be expected when a head appears from the neck of that XXXXX cock.

6. Do you have a favorite moment in the eHistory of China or North Korea?

I am pretty sure that when I'm reading your interview questions is the most favorite moment in my eHistory.

7. You are one of the most active politicians in the game. Do you see any mistakes or failures you have done and do you regret for doing something?

Unfortunately, I am far from an active politician. Yes, I kept running for congress member, even President once, every month. However, as I mentioned previously, what I'm interested in is nothing but the achievement medals.

8.What are we missing in order to be better?

I really regret that I could not accomplish the Valentine's day missions. And lack of communication, of course.

9. Please, wish or say something to our readers .

eNK citizens, get ready to have an interview with Kim Young.

Yours sincerely,
KIm Young