Interview with MeiFawAn

Day 1,554, 06:15 Published in North Korea North Korea by Kim Young
Hello citizens of North Korea,
For a long time I have been planning to make a series of interviews with famous North Koreans and now I finally started my project.

My first guest will be MeiFawAn.

1. Who are you in RL ?

I am a student, studying and living in Tokyo.

2. And who are you in the game? Tell us about your eLife.

Originally I had been planning to register in eJapan, but I found it was full with English (well, it is still for now), then I registered in eChina and double-clicked for some while but didn’t get much fun in it until I came to eNorth Korea. Obviously most of my elife is involved in eNorth Korea, everything.

3. Why MeiFawAn? Where does it come from?

My name doesn’t have much meaning, just simply with the meaning of “I cannot play anymore”.
My old laptop cannot run many games when I started to play eRepublik and that’s why I chose to play this game,for it is just a website. However, I got a new laptop soon.

4. What did attract you and what keeps you in the game?

Connection with others is what attracts me most. But I don’t like big groups that are Influential but bloated, for example parties in eChina or eUSA. There are not many people in eNorth Korea but we are tied with each other closely.

5. Do you have a favorite module in the game? Which and why is it better than the others?

I love v2 the most, especially the war module. It was a real challenge for commanders and gave the chances to those smart leaders to prove the weak could still win. But it failed for its terrible servers.

6. Do you have a favorite moment in the eHistory of China or North Korea?

It’s hard to say what my favorite moment is. However, my favorite moment is now, since the relationship between eNK and eChina became stable.

7. You are one of the most active politicians in the game. Do you see any mistakes or failures you have done and do you regret for doing something?

During the Kaigefoh’s period, tina_pig as our MoFa was struggling for eNK’s benefits in negotiation with eChina but she failed and was insulted by Chinese for she is Chinese but standing by eNorth Koreans, actually we were all insulted for we are acting as a real eNorth Koreans. While she was struggling, I did nothing helpful and things became worse, the worst was tina_pig afked forever because of that, which I never expected.

8. What are we missing in order to be better?

We don't communicate too often. I know many people who misunderstand us and the relations between eNK and eChina. But confidence needs time, right?

9. Please, wish or say something to our readers.

If you think eNK is the Heaven, then enjoy yourself here and wish we can make friends.
If you think eNK is the Hell, just change your mind or nationality, you cannot change eNK.

Yours sincerely,
Kim Young