Interview with hot eMom, FlorenciaC =P

Day 1,198, 21:50 Published in Argentina Argentina by Open Minded

As a promise for the english translation from the first article before.

1 Maret 2010
Simpang Lima

In the dawn at the street in Semarang city, i have some little chat at kandon house with kandon and calon rakyat jelata . Many change happen at this time, alliance and women was the main talk at this place. And then someone knocking the door.

tok!! tok!! tok!! hello, anyone here?

ahh a foreigner, calon rakyat jelata said.
kandon quickly going to the door to see that voice, and WOW that guest was FlorenciaC, kandon eMom. As this time FlorenciaC was MoFA of eArgentina for this month. For this day, FlorenciaC promise me an interview in kandon house.

As the talk going, calon rakyat jelata who serve as incidental maid come with a glass of coffe. He gave that coffe to FlorenciaC to make her relax after her work in MoFA eIndonesia office.

Not long after taste some of our coffe we start the interview, take a look!!

I dunno what happen with kandon, is it he's curious or just want to know, Kandon instantly ask her eMom.

k, eMom, who did invite you to this game? who's that special person in your eLife?
F, 😮, i dont really remember who invited me to this game, but the special person of my eLife is my eSon. In the first time i start call him kondom, he become my eSon 😘 (with a soft kiss to kandon forehead)

kandon become shy after what her mom did in front of us and he is more passive right now with no question. 😛
For the god sake, we will skip this part. No gossip allowed!!!

r, ehmm Flo many people in eArgentina use that avatar, is that mean something?
F, Roto is our eGod, everybody in argentina are Rotoist. That picture is a symbol of roto and maybe was siddy that spreading roto in eArgentina

r, in eBolivia many people use roto picture for their party or organizaton. Is there a special story behind that?
F, well, since long time ago we are their enemies, at first we attacked them without success. Then we TO'd them when there were open citizenship for citizen. Not long arter that we conquer eBolivia in my presidency, hahaha..!!!

r, now eArgen have conquering eBoliv and ePeru, what do you think eArgen will do in the near future?
F, As for now, eArgen only have a goal to eColombia to get grain region in pacifica. Beside that, no more expansion plan

r, from Pacifica, eArgen will have a border with Asian (ePhilipines), do you think eArgentina will set some foot in Asia?
F, I think that would be too much for arg xD. We're more like conservatives because we're smaller than you, for example. We think 4 times before do something, because of our population (it's small), our gold, our stock, etc.

r, wau that much. So different to us!!
c, since when we ever think? 😛. lol

r, As the world know, eIndo will be attacking eUSA which have an alliance with eArgen in PANAM. What do you think people of eArgentina will do?
F, i think most of our ppl want to help indo, doesn't matter if our gov tell them: fight for USA, they'll fight for Indo 😛. But this is hard situation for eBrazil and eArgentina, hope people of eIndonesia understand that.

r, right now many people shouting new alliance with BIA as the center plus some of our close alliance in the past, do you think that will happen?
F, i really want to be in the same alliance with eIndonesia and eBrazil 😛 that'd be great. but we must think in other facts too for now.

r, let's finish with the alliance talk, let's change the topic. oh yeah,,,many girl play this game in argen FlorenciaC ??? beside you and reina? and timon 😛
F, HAHAHAHAHA, there are. pau_lgi, desideratoholst, anabelle_lee, dan lain lain. pau_lgi is married IRL, desideratoholst has some affairs IRL and ingame, and i dont knwo very much anabelle_lee.

c, then sent a greet to timon for me. 😎

r, last question to close this chat. any word to indonesian people, FlorenciaC ?
F, i love indo people 😛 really love, i'm glad to have a good relationship like ours, it's special not all countries have it

That was some part of our chat, more detail ask me in private. HAHAHAHA

k = kandon
F = FlorenciaC
r = ri4ndri
c = Calon Rakyat Jelata