Interview with Henry Arundel on his Presidential Run

Day 1,286, 18:30 Published in USA USA by Devill

His platform can be found here:

I decided to ask this persistent man some questions.

How do you plan on making America more efficient on the battlefields?
I'd like to find a way to coordinate better with the JCS forces. I can't give a name at the moment, as he hasn't decided, but I asked a senior officer within their ranks to join my Administration as a Deputy in the Defense Department. They need to end their self imposed isolation and join the discussion. Hopefully then we won't see battles where there are three or four JCS borders with 200k+ damage on a wall, and we're sitting at 65 or 70%. Wasting damage is the worst thing we can do.

Why are you running for president?Why now?
I honestly feel I have the tools necessary to do the job, and do it well. I've been running for a while now...and every month I've thought I was the best candidate. If I didn't think that, I wouldn't run. I won't write a tl;dr resume, but I think I check all the boxes. I run a militia, so I know the military side. I've been Speaker (twice) so I know Congress. I've done work in the exec, including as Frost's dCoS. And I'm in my third term in Terra HQ, so knowing our allies, and being able to work with them won't be a problem.

What do you think we can do to help our allies this month that we haven't done before, or how can we improve upon it?
Honestly, I think we've done as much as we can with what we have. Keeping Spain on edge disrupts ONE's ability to coordinate their damage, and screws with their economy. If we can redirect some of the damage going to random battles, I think we can help a bit more, I'd love to see Germany back on the map for more than a day.

Anything you would like to add?
Thanks for taking the time to talk, and anyone with questions can always message me.
