Interview with eTomislav, eCroatian CP

Day 1,279, 00:26 Published in Croatia Lithuania by Petrezselyem van a zsebemben
1. Please introduce yourself in a few word, who are you in RL and ingame too.

In RL I’m Tomislav, 35 years old, married, 2 children, Mag.oec. Love sports, especially long distance running, only I am forced to have a brake with sports now cause of some health problems that I currently have. I'm pioneer of development leasing idea in the Republic of Croatia and sustainable projects promoter and developer, especially renewable energy projects. In game, I'm eTomislav, since it is eRepublik. Few times Party President, 5 times Congressman, few times vMinister of Information and 3 times Minister of Information. One of the commanders of BSD Military Unit and current eCroatian Country President. I'm and eFriend to all people in good faith and with positive attitude towards others and towards the game.

2. What was your main motivation when you’ve run for CP position?

My main motivation was to keep eCroatia in its overall path, political and military.

3. What do you think about your term as a CP? Is it perfect or good or just satisfying?

My CP term is good. Each EDEN Country is facing everyday important battles and we're NE's with NeW World's eForce No.1, eSerbia, so we' can not be unhappy in handling that giant, and our neighbor. I do not say that eCroatia is in bad position and we do not force EDEN to enter our battles, since some other EDEN countries need EDEN's help more. For now we're cool, but certainly wish to grow, especially that we're respectable eForce also and our Army and Tanks deliver significant dmg all over New World. The great thing in my mandate is that we liberated Bosnia and Hercegovina, our small but important ally and neighbor, and keep it free, and until eSerbia and eCroatia are in current position, eBiH will be free.

4. Will you run for CP position in the next month too?

For the next month we'll still see. My political Party Block started to make the conversations with me regarding my candidacy for one more turn and still I did not reject the idea, and still they want me to run. From the beginning of my mandate I became now a sort of a professional; understand the interface and function very well, all in all; I'm into the job fully.

5. If yes, why? If not, who would you advise to your folk as your “descendant”?

If yes, for sake of holding eCroatian's path and not destroying it by some unprepared and uninformed person. I did not think about my „descendant“ yet, and I currently can not see anybody besides ex. CPs that would be able to do a good job. Of course, if we'd prepare one or two players for that function, it would be great, but currently no candidate in sight.

6. What do you think who play(s) the most decisive role in eCroatia’s policy? Who is/are those persons that will follow many of your folk without any question?

The political parties in the Block I represent are the political power of eCroatia, and these parties form the serious political force of eCroatia. Still, I have to point out the opposition which understands the moment and forms one eCroatian National body with us from the Government and keeps the Unity of eCroatian people as the first line of our preparation for all challenges. I see our leaders, they are: Frojla, Atea, Ancica1804, Legica, Frutek666, dSoKre, Romper, zdlemmy, srdant, Asklepije, Apach, BeDva and many others, to whom I apologize not to be mentioned here in that short sentence.

7. Who is that politician that you respect mostly, and why?

I would say that mostly I respect dSoKre since he is the one who brought some good ideas to improve eCroatian economy at the time of his mandate (now this is not possible due to the new economic module) and most certainly Apach, one of our presidents who showed us how to play big time, showed us how to influence internal political situation by war actions during the Congressional elections, etc. Frutek666 is one to be pointed out as well, since he showed us how to adjust to the challenges and he and how to act operatively in difficult situations.

8. In your opinion, who are the well-known ecroatian players in our eWorld? And why?

dSoKre because of his most subbed paper, Atea for her foreign political and military engagements, BeDva for his antiPTO actions, Sucko as eCroatian famous game moderator and many more.

9. How do you think about ePoland and epolacks?

Poland is one powerful nation. In game they are pragmatic and opportunistic and I'm sorry they are not in the Alliance with eCroatia any more, especially that we're big friends IRL and that Croatian people admire the Pope Karol Józef Wojtyła totally and fully and Polaks know it also and it is complicated situation. Still, things are not so black since we keep our relationship in game and our personal relations are on the level, just like our relationship with eHungarian players. Short term plan is regional coffee plan and long term plan is at least one big National barbecue happening a year.

10. What do you think about eCroatia’s future? What are your plans in the near and in the distant future? Will eCroatia stay in EDEN? Or join TERRA? Or will you form a new alliance with your main allies?

eCroatia is one country that is faithful to it's policy and beliefs. EDEN and Terra are in close co-op and I do not think there is something to be changed soon.

11. Finally, do you want to send word to ONE? Or to anyone else?

The word to ONE: Dear ONE, you do a great job against us, and lately we see how ePolaks really want a piece of eRomania, they are fighting to liberate Bukovnia like eLions, and that is something they should thank eTurks for, with whom you are all in Alliance. When I think of your alliance, you are with the ones you deserve to be, it is like that in life, but if you grow a bit, and I'm sure you will, then you'll realize that it is not the current success that you will be measured and remembered in eHistory by, but your character and its power to resist small materialisms as one eRegion temporary control or similar and what are you prepared to do for it. The word to all of us: Play the game, it brings us big fun, joy, sadness, happiness, love and all other emotions and take care of each other, still it is the chance we all get to know each other better and improve our RL relationships and eventual barriers, since internet brings us unstring communication and we can say more to each other in shorter period of time and sure more openly. Bring the best from you into the game.

Thanks for your time!


That was the interview, I hope that you enjoyed it. 🙂
