Interview with eJapan's...I mean Area 11' Empress

Day 849, 13:32 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Holiday Association

I have been busy with my new tasks aiding Empress Euphemia li Britannia in her duties with Area 11...formerly Japan. I have finally compiled the interview from her earlier in the day. Here is the approved portion of the interview with her majesty.
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Jinnai: Congratulations on winning eJapan's March 2010 Empress Day competition. How does it feel to be crowned Empress?

Euphemia: Thank you for making me your next Empress, Japan! I have worked hard to bring Area 11 to the status of a great nation, and I am proud to have such a high honor.

Jinnai: We appreciate your praise for...Area 11? I may be misinformed, but thought this was the country of Japan?

Euphemia: You all were Japan.. until father and the Britannian Empire destroyed the nation. Then it became Area 11.. a piece of the Empire. I have been petitioning and begging for Japan's independence all this time. I love Japan and its people, and you deserve to be more than just 11's.

Jinnai: I see. Well that must have been when I was in El Hazard fighting that blight on society Mizuhara.... Anyway, do you think with your new found status as Empress that you're petition will succeed?

Euphemia: Yes! If my father fails to grant Area 11 its rightful independence, there are other options. We can fight! Already there are resistance movements and tales of masked warriors. Rise up and fight! While I abhor bloodshed, as Empress of Japan I must see her free!

Jinnai: That's good to know. Back to the competition, you led the charts with Rika Furude-san in a distant second place. To what do you credit this massive popularity? Do you think it reflects upon you personally or are those around you also responsible?

Euphemia: Rika-chan, while maybe popular with that Loli crowd, lacks my... grace and charm. I believe my status has boosted my popularity - many of my fans are loyal subjects of Britannia, or die hard supports of Zero. *Euphemia sits up even straighter* I pick no sides, and yes, /my show/ is more popular.

Jinnai: I see. In that case, beyond Japan's independence and the return of our national name, do you have any plans while you are Empress?

Euphemia: To make Japan's people happy and promote their culture. *Euphemia pauses for a moment before continuing.* I also plan to not mow down a crowd of Japanese with a machine gun.

Jinnai: That's, um, nice to know.... *Mumbles as he writes down a note for getting Bugrom body guards* Anyway, what do you say to the rumors about your death and that your just a pretender?

Euphemia: I am the real Euphie! *Looks around* Where's Kururugi-san? He can vouch for me - I promise.

Jinnai: No, no I believe you. *Jinnai puts on his classic charming smile.*
So I guess your saying those are just rumors and nothing more?

Euphemia: *Euphemia puts on her equally cute smile* Hai.

Jinnai: *Nodding* Well then, any last words for your new subjects...or were they still your subjects when you were just a princess? Well, anyway, any final words?" />
Euphemia: As a matter of fact... *snaps fingers* Thank you for giving me this opportunity, Minister Jinnai.

[Britannian soldiers storm into the broadcasting room.]

*Euphemia looks directly into the camera* I, Euphemia li Britannia, am placing myself as the new Governor-General of Area 11. Submit to the Britannian Forces or be crushed! ALL HAIL BRITANNIA!!

[Soldiers in the background cheer ALL HAIL BRITANNIA]

Jinnai: *Jinnai looks started for a moment and then salutes* ALL HAIL BRITANNIA!! *Jinnai then turns to Euphemia.* So'll be needing a personal adviser...

Euphemia: Of course. Zero has Diethard, after all. I'll need /someone/ to record my path to battling Area 11 into final submission. Welcome, Lieutenant Jinnai. *Euphemia holds out hand.*

Jinnai: *Jinnai takes her hand and turns back toward the camera* And this concludes the first broadcast of Area 11's Empress Day Interview.

[The screen goes black for a second and it replaced by the Britanian seal].

** Thanks to Sugawara Michizane for playing the role of Euphemia.