Interview with Congressman Leroy Combs

Day 1,345, 19:37 Published in USA USA by sjohnfsdsxzzx

The third interview of newly elected congress members, I’ve had better interviews, but I’ve also had a lot worse interviews. I’m sorry if it seems I’m spamming the media with interviews, but these interviews deserve a place in an article of their own so that they can gain more attention.

Have you had any experience in congress before?

This is my 9th term as Mayor/Congressman, I was the Speaker of the House last term.

What are your primary concerns on the state of the USA at the moment?

Regaining all of our regions is the only concern that matters

What would you consider to be the greatest threat to the unity of the American people at the moment?


Do you have any idea of what you plan to accomplish in congress this month?

Tweak the tax code a little to ensure military funding.

How do you plan to represent the people of the state that elected you?

Do whatever I can to increase the damage we can deliver so that we can retake my state.

Do you believe that the current administration has done a good job in leading the eUSA during the month of July?

No. I had hopes and he has some good people around him but he was unprepared or mislead early on and has been playing catch up since then.

Can you please elaborate how you plan to increase the damage we can deliver and how you plan to ensure military funding?

The easiest way is to increase funding if possible, the better way is to use the damage we have in a more coordinated fashion.

Thanks Leroy Combs for the chance to interview you and good luck in congress this month.

Also, if you haven't read my previous two interviews I suggest you do:
Gnilraps Interview:

Jamarcus Interview: