Interview With an Old Timer

Day 1,821, 21:36 Published in USA USA by seeker1

Welcome to another United States Airborne article. Today we are very pleased to have one of our oldest and most honorable AB members sit down with us for an interview. I am proud to bring you a long time friend and soldier to this great nation, Leroy Combs!

Thank you for sitting down and taking your time with us Leroy. Lets begin...

1) Why did you join the eUS Airborne?

I created it and I will always be Airborne at heart. I have met so many fun and dedicated people while serving in the Airborne, it's my home.

2) How would you describe your experiences in the AB so far?

I am probably biased because of my history with the AB but I have zero complaints, again the people I have met and worked with on deployments has helped keep the game interesting.

3) What do you like most about the Airborne?

The people, active leadership.

4) How would you describe the members and community in the AB?

Diverse, we have members that have served in other countries, and the AB does a good job of mixing all these people into a group that can provide serious damage for the U.S. and it's allies.

5) What Division do you belong in and what battle Division do you fight in?

I'm currently in the 82nd AB division and I fight in the 4th division in battles.

6) If there was one word you had to use to describe the AB, what would it be?


Want to join our community? Want to become a soldier and fight daily for your country? The Airborne has the finest members and the best community around. Our leaders are top notch and are there for you everyday. Come join us! If you are serious about it and you’re qualified as a Division 3 or 4 fighter, please Apply Here:

Not strong enough for the Airborne yet or have no experience with a military group?
Then join the eUS Training Corps!

George Griffin