Interview with an inci - captain33

Day 1,194, 09:29 Published in USA USA by The Libertine

Thanks for sitting down with me for this interview.

CRoy: Could you start by stating your position in inci and explaining what exactly it is you are in charge of?

captain33: i am foreign affairs ceo of inci,
my job is, communication with the non inci members
and keep good relationships with them

CRoy: As you are well aware of, there was a lot of miscommunication and anger from all participants in the election yesterday. Can you explain to me what went on, from your point of view?

captain33: hmm, first of all i can understand the us citizens afraids but we have many members who were borned in usa, they are original us citizens and they are not alliens.. we are here for 2-3 month and we have helped your economy a lot.. yesterday fec killed the democracy

they have given more cs fore voting against inci
and they are organized the people for inci racism
and they were telling us the ies system etc
but yesterday, no ies or rules
there was just racism
and think that, somebody give a donating law
is inci thief,robber??
they could be more polite

pto means destroy the nations but we dont want any money or etc
we want just our rights
for example increase oms budget: because army has denied us

CRoy: A budget increase is a right?

captain33: of course
we have more members
and we are fighting here
we are supplying ourselves but we want to be equal with the other us citizens

CRoy: But is that a right to more money? Or is it something to earn by applying for funding like every other group? It is very hard for private American groups to get OMS funding. It is a complicated process.

captain33: if army has denied us, congress should increase the oms budget
we have applied more time, but we havent got any supplies, just arm america supplying us under 20-21 level
ok, if they dont increase the oms budget, they should accept our applies

CRoy: What is the mood like within inci today? Are people upset at each other? Happy for each other?

captain33: we have shocked and when i saw forum yesterday, i was shocked again.. they are behaving us like we are aliens😛
and now i wont respect the fec and fec must be closed and fec must apologise the inci
if they do this: we can keep good relationship and more and more power relationships

CRoy: Will there be an inci Presidential candidate?

captain33: no, if we do this, you can impeach us😃 but we are thinking on glove now.. we like him... he is a delikanlı adam... (delikanlı means honoralble and honost person)
but not offically
glove is candidate for inci
but not officially we are thinking

CRoy: Are there other people that inci would support for President?

captain33: they like glove
and inci is anarchist group, doesnt matter we announce other boy
if they like, they vote

CRoy: Ok, last question. What is the long term goal of inci in eRepublik? Fun? To amass wealth? To control a nation? Why do you play? Why does inci play this game that many Americans actually hate playing?

captain33: first of all, normally this is secret aim and few person know this
but i can say something
we will take our revenge from turkish e-worms (lazokrats , xeraph)
and then we will take our revenge from greece
but how?
i cant explain. this must be secret

CRoy: Can I publish what you have said on this matter?

captain33: yes you can, no problem

Thus endeth the interview.