Interview with aeaeflower

Day 1,562, 07:33 Published in North Korea North Korea by Kim Young
Hello citizens of North Korea,
Today with me is one of the famous North Koreans - aeaeflower. Now she will gladly answer my questions.

1.Who are you in RL ?

I am working and living in Beijing, China.

2.And who are you in the game? Tell us about your eLife.

I was always wandering in the eWorld. One day,I came to eNK and feel comfortable here. I double clicked in most of my eLife. Perhaps I will wander to some other places someday. I don't know. It's hard to say.

3. Why aeaeflower? Where does it come from?

"ae" depicts the shape of the flowers. So, it just mean: flowers.

4. What did attract you and what keeps you in the game?

The friendship between the people attracted me. My friends keep me stay in the game.

5.Do you have a favorite module in the game? Which and why is it better than the others?

The newspapers is my favorite part. We can get a lot of information from newspapers and keep in touch with friends around the eWorld. This part makes the game less like a pure war game

6.Do you have a favorite moment in the eHistory of China or North Korea?

All the moments of my eLife are my favorite moments 🙂

7. Do you see any mistakes or failures you have done and do you regret for doing something?

I can't figure out that part. Maybe it's because I just treat it as a game from it we could gain happy.I do not know how many people have the same idea as me.I just want to say:"Have fun, all you guys."

8.What are we missing in order to be better?

Perhaps, more newspapers will be better.

9. Please, wish or say something to our readers .

Hope you'll all be happy in the eWorld. And I will be very pleased to be your friend. 🙂

Yours sincerely,
Kim Young