Interview - eSouth Korean CP - KOR_Sohn (ENG and SRB translation)

Day 1,570, 06:16 Published in Serbia Serbia by horusbg

(Srpski prevod intervjua je posle engleskog)

So, few days back I was browsing through channels on Rizon and decided to do interviews with CPs from two countries I was visiting most often in eWorld - eSouth Korea (eSK in further text), KOR_Sohn and eJapan (eJPN), Chise E. Tamai.

KOR_Sohn CP of eSK

Will you please describe current situation in eSouth Korea to my readers?

eSouthKorea has been taken over by eROC (Taiwan) for about 3 months and eSouthKoreans want our lands back. Since we don't have any land, we have hard time supporting eSK newbies

Do you see any specific way of getting it back, since RWs were futile so far...

Hmm… I have some plans but it's just my personal thought and I might have to referendum to my citizens, so can't tell u right now

It seems that what makes most trouble in your fight are other Teden countries which are surrounding you, and helping eRoCs in both eSK and eJapan

Yes, true.

Do you think ONE could do more to help your fights?

Frankly I'm a newbie president and I don't know the exact information, but personally I don't think ONE is interested in east Asia right now. They are busy on things going in Europe

True, these were hard times for ONE too...Maybe if eSK and eJapan unite into one army, maybe you could have a chance, liberating one region at the time, but thats hard to do.

Maybe not, uniting into one army is hard to but eJP has really low population and even if we unite into one army still we can't overpower eROC and their supports from their alliance

So negotiations with eRoC might be solution... Do you think that could work? I think eJapan tried something similar…

Yes that might be one solution but since Taiwan doesn't have many resources in their main land it seems that they won't give up the resources of eSouthKorea and eJapan.
I heard about the negotiations between eJapan and eROC and they offered ridiculous deal. As far as I know that's why the negotiation failed

And the offer was…? 🙂 Please share it 😃

Well I don't exactly know and remember what happened but from the eJP newspaper (Master Tiger's article, )

Will you do something about organization of your army. In one of RWs (while Danyeo was president) my whole unit tried to help you, and Macedonian Panzers too. We even organized mercenaries to fight but all we did - we managed to win two battles. We could see that your troops arent organized so good. Will you do anything about reorganization?

eSK currently have about 4 MUs. All MUs will fight for eSK and they are all eSK army and I'm going to organize the battle ordering system. Also for the foreign affair, we will make a special regiment to or MU to help other countries and so we can get our help back when we needed.

Are you gonna stay proOne?

Yes as of right now, but we will see what will happen later.

Any message to eSerbia readers?

Hello eSerbians. As me representing eSouthKorea I thank you all for our alliance and help for a long time. If you have questions or help, feel free to pm me. Thank you.


I tako, pre nekoliko dana dok sam lutao kanalima na Rizonu, odlucio sam da intervjuisem predsednike dve zemlje eSveta koje sam najcesce posecivao – eJuzna Koreja (u daljem tekstu - eSK) KOR_Sohn(CP) i eJapan (eJPN) Chise E.Tamai(CP).

KOR_Sohn predsednik eJuzne Koreje

Molim te, opisi trenutnu situaciju eJuzne Koreje mojim citaocima.

eJuznu Koreju drzi eRoC (Tajvan) oko tri meseca. eJuzno Koreanci zele nazad svoje zemlje. Kako nemamo ni jednu svoju zemlju, jako nam je tesko dad a pomozame nase ebebe.

Da li vidis neki nacin da povratite zemlju, s obzirom da su dosadasnji RWovi bili uzaldni?

Hmmm…Imam nekih planova. Ali to su moje neke licne misli i mozda cu morati da sprovedem referendum u mojoj zemlji povodom toga, tako da ne mogu da kazem sad.

Izgleda da najvise problema prave Teden zemlje koje vas okruzuju i koje pomazu eROC u borbama protiv eSK i eJPN.

Da, istina.

Da li mislis da je ONE mogao da uradi vise da pomogne vasu borbu?

Iskreno, ja sam noob predsednik i nemam tacnu informaciju, ali licno ne mislim da je ONE zainteresovan za Istocnu Aziju trenutno. Zauzeti su stvarima u Evropi.

Istina, ovo su bila teska vremena za ONE takodje…Mozda ako bi se eSK i eJapan ujedinili u jednu armiju, mozda bi onda bilo sanse, da oslobadju jednu po jednu regiju, ali to je tesko uraditi.

Ne verujem. Ujedinjenje u jednu armiju jeste tesko ali eJapan ima veoma malu populaciju i cak ako bi se ujedinili ne bismo imali sanse da pobedim eROC i njihove saveznike.

Dakle pregovori sa eROC su mozda resenje. Mislis li da to moze da upali? Mislim da je eJapan pokusao nesto slicno.

Da, to moze biti jedno resenje ali posto Tajvan nema mnogo resursa na svojoj originalnoj teritoriji, izgleda da nece odustati od resursa eJuzne Koreje i eJapana. Cuo sam o pregovorima eJapana i eROC ali ponudjeni predlog je bio smesan. Koliko znam zbog toga su pregovori i propali.

A predlog je bio..,? 🙂 Podeli to sa nama molim te 😃

Pa ne znam tacno sta se desilo osim stvari iz eJPN novna .
(Master Tiger –ov clanak, )

Hoces li uciniti nesto povodom organizacije vase vojske. U jednom od RW-ova (dok je Danyeo bi predsednik) moja cela jedinica je pokusala da vam pomogne, kao i makednoski Panzer –i. Cak smo uspeli da organizujemo i placenike ali sve sto smo uspeli je da dobijemo dve bitke. Mogli smo videti da vasa vojska nije dobro organizovana. Jel ces uraditi nesto povodom reorganizacije?

eSK trenutno ima oko 4 MU. Sve jedinice ce se boriti za eSK i one su sve eSK vojska, I takodje cu da organizujem komandni sistem. Takodje za spoljne poslove, napravicemo specijalni odred ili MU da pomaze drugim zemljama, tako da moze da cemo moci trazimo pomoc zauzvrat kad nam zatreba.

Hocete li ostati ProOne?

Za sada da, videcemo kasnije sta ce se zbivati.

Neka poruka za citaoce u eSrbiji?

Zdravo eSrbi. Kao predsednik eJuzne Koreje Zahvaljujem vam se svima na nasem savezu i pomoci koju pruzate vec dosta vremena. Ukoliko imate neko pitanje ili zelite da pomogne, slobodno me PMujte. Hvala..