
Day 1,141, 06:15 Published in Germany Belgium by Konrad Neumann


Interregnum is a period of discontinuity or "gap" in a government, organization, or social order. We are in such a time in which there is a discontinuity in the international setting. We witness an end to an era but we are not yet there to the next. Anarchy in the realist term runs rampant more than ever, in our stage of interregnum. This anarchy creates uncertainty in which few if any states really know how the world map is set up in the next era. In this stage of history, in this international relations anarchy, states are given more flexibilities and use this rare and special time to focus on their interest, unbounded by the past alliance duties and obligations. The path of states and countries are at the hands of the policy makers as this is the time they decide the fate of nations. End of Summary

Uncertainty surrounds us. The map of the world is unknown. As we see the end of an era, what lies in the future is the unknown. We are in the state of Interregnum. This change into a new era, a new age, is not like that of the past interregnums but that his is the first real and main interregnum in recent history. In the wars of the super alliances, the results are clear, both Phoenix and EDEN are the losers and there are no winners besides the game staff who earns the profit from the gold usage. This paper is not about gold usages but with the defeat of both alliances, we are in a real state of interregnum and I think this is the best time for people interest in the fate of states and countries should be active in foreign affairs.

History runs in cyclical nature. In the past, we saw that the alliance structure does not really change. While there are fractures here or there, for the most part, things stay constant. ATLANTIS destroyed itself when eSweden and ePoland stabbed eGermany in the back and PEACE became the dominate alliance. eUK joined PEACE. ATLANTIS dies and became EDEN/ Fortis/ Brolliance. Soon PEACE foolishly invaded the US and the cost of the war as well as the loss of momentum caused by internal lack of communication and passion lead to PEACES decline and death. From the ashes of PEACE came Phoenix and now both alliance is dead. While EDEN did not declare its demise, but there are huge problems within that sooner or later, it is expected that they will disband into something different. Even if you are an EDEN supporter and insist that they won the war against Phoenix, it is a pyrrhic victory that the fate of the alliance is in shambles. Not much of a victory.

We had seen different transition times but never like this before. This interregnum has no equal and while international relations are always in flux and each time period builds up to the next, this interregnum is like nothing we saw before. While there was war, there was more or less order in the international community. How there is nothing but uncertainty and anarchy. There is no real leading voice in the world as states look at each other, confused and baffled. The possible impossibility, the plausible implausibility , the tangible intangibility, we are in a temporary of time where great imagination can take place and old wounds healed and resolved.

The cycle is broken for now and the world is for the most part on a clean slate. The Hungarians and Serbians express their interest to work with the Poles. The French talked to both the Poles and the Americans for possible alliances and peace. Talks of PANAM and a Western European alliance (again as this had been done before with no success) this is a rare and unprecedented situation. Who would of think that the alliance system would collapsed. While you can still blame the admins for things, it is still interesting to note that the fall of the super alliances really questions the ideals of realism as it is irrational to fight such costly battles that benefit no sides. Also the balance of power of the two alliance should of prevent such collapse of both alliances.

So what does this mean? Why do we care if we are in time of interregnum or not. Like I said before we are a clean slate and this is an interesting time in which policy makers can set a new course for their country. The state have new and temporary flexibility that is not normal in normal conditions. States are not bound by old alliance sentiments and the concepts of past duty while decent to have is not as important in the decision making of leaders. While it sounds cold, the state of interregnum could follow the famous saying in RL British foreign policy, "There are no eternal enemy or an everlasting friend. There are only mutual benefits." States are free to make new friendship what was not possible in the past.

States should seize this time for this is a rare time in history. Few leaders have the power and the opportunity to seal the fate of their states and citizens future like that of the state of interregnum. They should use this time to focus solely on their interest. Also it gives states like Germany a rare chance that we can have a friendly neighbor on our north and eastern borders. For I am tired of fighting the Poles for countless days and countless nights. While it all depends on the diplomacy and the deals in which eGermany gets, interregnum allows the impossible, possible. No longer a slave to a brutal system, a life without a future, the world is ours albeit briefly. Make it count.

Anomalous times, ambiguous future, go and make the world you want to live it.

Konrad Neumann
-Officer of Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw (Political dedication and service)
-Knight of Orde van Oranje Nassau (Societal dedication and service)
-ex eGerman President from January to March 5th.
-14 time congressman
-Advisor to the Raidoh Administration
-Former Minister of Interior of Netherlands
-Former eUNL ambassador to eGermany
-Former Minister Foreign Affairs of Netherlands
-Former Party President of Green Liberal Democrats [GLD]
-Retired Emeritus of Phoenix
-Co-Author of the Frankfurt Treaty
-One of the negotiator, author of the Phoenix alliance under then President Donnie Bronco
-Vice/MoFA of eGermany from August to January
-Former eGerman ambassador to eAustralia, eUK, and UNL
-5-6 month of Party President of Open Minded Germany