International Press Review Vol 3 Day 2645

Day 2,645, 12:14 Published in Germany United Kingdom by Simio Yosemite Sam

Dear readers,

Here comes the third edition of the International Press Review. If you have any recomendations for good articles just PM me.

Interview with the Dutch CP

The Norwegian MoFA interviering Dutch President Willem the Conqueuror about his views on Dutch foreign policy and the game as whole.

Interview with Kalif_Batan (2nd part)

Here comes the second part of Poncho Warrior´s Interview with Nigerian CP Kalif_Batan. This time the Kalif answers questions about foreign und defense policy.

Agreement UK - Norway

The United Kingdom and Norway agreed on a NAP, lease of Norwegian regions to the UK, protection of Norway against further ASes and guaranteeing congress for Norway. Details you can read in this article of the british MoD.

Agreement Germany - Poland

Germany and Poland have signed an agreement about leasing three German cores to Poland. Details you can find in this article of the German MoFA.

Nigerian MoI about ATO efforts

Nigerian MoI Satyre-Reynes tells us how succesful the ATO efforts of the Nigerian government were in recent PP elections, especially against unfamous Portuguese treasury thief Juve_Leo.

2 war stashes for good ideas

LordInario giving away two war stashes for good ideas how to improve the game. Just write your idea im the comment section and get it voted.

Civilization 3rd edition

In the 3rd edition of Civilzation The magazine for important topics and politics several Spanish writers as Cid Primo de Rivera, albertcat99, GLEDKOOM, Miquel Bini, publio 2.0 and others giving us their views about the aspects of the poitical modul and sistem, especially in Spain. There should be an English version!!

About the war Chile - Argentina

There are several interesting articles about the war in South America in recent days:
Once again Pescaman describing the outlooks of the war between Chile and Argentina, what is posble and what could happening in this conflict.
Argentine publisher JavierMiles asking what could be posible if Chile and Argentina join efforts and unite for a common goal in this game.
And colocolo91 asking if Chile is the black ship of the neighborhood
And Lord Juan describing the motives for peace and war between the two South American countries.
Finally manublu coming up with the 4th part of his article series “The Argentine Wars”, this time telling us the story what´s going on since mid january.

About the tycoon pack

Some basic informations about the tycoon pack you can find here. And author The Mike is telling us also what the pack is worth, because admins couldn´t do some simple math, he says.

History of eMacedonia

Subaru15 bringing us the first part of the History of Macedonia in Erepublik focusing on Macedonia´s rise to an empire back in 2010.

Interview with tasos maximous

Romanian editor TheYakuzini interviewing British MoFA tasos maximous. The RL greek players gives us insights about his career in erep.

Ideas about getting back the economic module

Some interesting ways how to get back the economic modul into the game were presented by moonburn in his latest edition of Le Fouquet.

Guide to the economic module

Well made guide about the economic modul in Erepublik by the Italian Government. They should do an English version, too.

History of Austria: The alliance era (I)

In the latest edition of the "History of Austria" we get told the part from June to november 2010 how Austria could free itself from Croatian ocupation and Italy invaded the country.