Intermediate Level Players Guide And Tutorial

Day 757, 07:39 Published in Canada Canada by Ministry of Education Canada
also/aussi: Canadian Battle Orders

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Congratulations on surviving through the new player aspects of the game. By now you should be at the very least, level 5 if not further along. You now have a grasp of the day to day aspects of the game. Now its time to take your knowledge and involvement a little further. In this Intermediate players guide, you will find information and tools that will help you advance yourself even further as well as enabling you to make an even larger contribution to the life and quality of eCanada.

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Table of Contents
1 Next Steps
1.1 Your First Newspaper
1.2 Training
1.3 Food
1.4 Health Tips
2. Fighting and Healing
2.1 Fighting
2.2 Healing
3. Making Gold
3.1 Hard Worker Medals
3.2 Super Soldier Medals
4. Joining A Party
5. Running For Congress
6. Working In Cabinet
7. Helping Others
8. Chatting with Canadians
9. Advanced Tools
10. Summary

1. Next Steps

1.1 Your First Newspaper
As you have probably learned, one of the main methods of communicating information or debating in game situations is through the media. Newspapers are created as a means of giving players a voice in the community. Most government ministries have a newspaper as a means of communicating information. Political parties have newspapers as a means of communicating with their membership as well as recruiting new members. Most private citizen newspapers are formed to either entertain, update, debate or just share ideas and information with other players. Newspapers can also be a great way to express your ideas and show the rest of eCanada who you are and what you stand for. Politicians use Newspapers as a means of campaigning and getting their platforms out in the public. In short, a Newspaper is a great way to get yourself involved in eCanada, particularly if you have political aspirations. You can start your own newspaper by going to the “My Places” tab and selecting “Newspaper”. From there you can give your newspaper a name and write your first article.

If your newspaper becomes particularly popular, and you achieve the accomplishment of getting 1000 or more subscribers, you will be awarded the “Media Mogul” medal!

1.2 Training
Also make sure to train every day. You will want to continue to grow your strength and become much more useful in combat. Also, at this point, you might want to invest some of your gold into doing some advanced training with one of the personal trainers that are available to you.

1.3 Food
By now you also know the importance of having food in your inventory. If your income allows, you may want to consider purchasing higher quality food to help keep your wellness in top form. At this stage you may want to consider investing in Q4 food.

1.4 Health Tips
Your health and wellness at this point should be holding steady around the mid 90’s to 100. If you are taking advantage of the hospital after training and keeping high quality food in your inventory, you should be able to maintain high wellness. Make sure you continue to keep food on hand.

2 Fighting and Healing
As you know by now, fighting and healing are now regular parts of your daily time spent in eCanada. In order to maximize both, please take some time to read the information below.

2.1 Fighting
As you have now made advancements in strength and rank, you might want to consider using slightly better weapons to fight with. If your income allows, the odd investment in Q2 or Q3 weapons might make sense for you. If money is still tight, then continue to make full use of Q1 weapons. The difference in damage may not be tremendous but it can help you to level up in rank a little faster and thus increase the amount of damage you can inflict per fight.

2.2 Healing
Hospitals are available to those who fight in battles with their countries. Info here. Not all regions in Canada have sufficient hospitals, but it is possible to relocate to a region with one.

At this point, you should have a good idea as to how many times you can fight, based on how much your local hospital will heal you. (see table). In most cases, you should be able to fight 5 times and then heal. You should only be fighting again if you have been instructed to fight Kamikaze

3. Making Gold

3.1 Hard Worker Medal’s
One of the best and easiest ways to make some gold is to work consistently. By working for 30 days straight, you can earn a Hard Worker Medal and gain 5 gold. This is also a win for your employer as it helps them to have a solid and consistent employee base. Further, you will improve your own skill level in your chosen field and make yourself more attractive to your current employer and thus make it possible for you to earn more money on a daily basis!

3.2 Super Soldier Medal’s
By training everyday you should now be close to reaching strength level 5. Once you reach this level you will earn a Super Soldier medal and earn 5 gold. By training everyday, you can ensure that you consistently climb in strength and earn 5 gold every time you advance 5 levels. You can fast track this process by taking advantage of the personal trainers if you wish.

4. Joining A Party
By now you should have had an opportunity to acquaint yourself with the various political parties in eCanada. If you have not done so, now is the time to learn about the parties that operate in the country. It is important that you read up on and think about the party that most closely fits your political and personal beliefs. By joining a party, you can have a voice in the comings and goings of politics. This will also give you a good opportunity to get involved with your particular party by putting your hand up for various roles within the party. In time, you might decide that you want to run for Party President or you can also work with your party to get a nomination for congress. If your particularly ambitious in politics, being associated with a party is the best way to throw your hat into the ring to become the next President (or Prime Minister if you will) of eCanada.

If joining a party is not for you, you could always form your own party. Forming your own party is a lot of work but for those who are very ambitious and want to be part of something from the ground floor, forming a party could be the right thing to do.

You can find all the party related options under “My Places” and then select “Party”

5. Running For Congress
Running for Congress is a great way to take the next step in your political career. As a Congressperson, you will have a hand in policy making for eCanada. In order to run for Congress it is suggested that you seek the support of your party and choose a province in which to run. You should take the time to think about what you hope to accomplish and create a mini-platform so that other citizens know what you stand for and what you think is best for eCanada. Having your own newspaper is very helpful in getting your political message out and so if you are considering running for Congress, make sure you consider starting a newspaper.

Keep in mind that eCanadians want people who wish to be involved and active in politics and so if you don’t feel you have the time to commit to being active and involved in a meaningful way on a daily basis, Congress may not be right for you. Being an elected official is a serious role and should not be entered into lightly.

If you have the support of a party and are ready to run for office, be sure to visit your party page in “My Places” and make your nomination official. Your Party President will handle the rest for you.

6. Working In Cabinet
Being asked to join a President’s Cabinet is an honour. If you are asked to do so, you should once again think carefully about your decision. You are taking on a job that has a direct impact on the management and governance of your eCanada. A cabinet role takes commitment and time and you should be prepared to be involved on a daily basis. Much like Congress, the citizens of eCanada will look to you to perform your job. It is imperative that you do so with respect and honour. You are part of the face of the government of the day and so you need to act the part.

Depending on which portfolio you are assigned or whether you are the lead Cabinet Minister or a Deputy Minister, you will have the opportunity to help shape the government. If the opportunity is presented, and you have time, jump on it and make a difference!

7. Helping Others
Now that you have learned the ropes, you have an excellent opportunity to help newer players who, like you once were, are just finding their way in the new world. You could help by joining the Mentorship Program. You could also play an active role in helping newer players as well on IRC in the #eCan channel. If you are involved with your party, perhaps serving on the meet and greet committee. Maybe you have extra resources or run a company and you could offer to employ a newer player. Of course, gifts like guns, food, and wellness are also great ways for established players to help our newest eCanadians. By far however, I would suggest that if you really want to help, check out the Mentorship Program I just mentioned!

8. Chatting with Canadians
As you now know, eRepublik is also a very social atmosphere. By getting involved in the various IRC channels you can meet more people and help newer players who are just figuring out their place in the game. Joining IRC and the message boards can be so valuable in helping new citizens with the most basic things. Making them feel welcome and helping them find their way is a great way to make use of the IRC and Forums. Also, take the time to contribute in a positive way in the forums. Share your ideas on the various issues being discussed. Bring up new ideas for discussion or simply take the time to read up on what is going on in eCanada. If you choose to contribute, try to make it are a more senior player and other players may be looking up to you!

9. Advanced Tools
Now that you have mastered the basics of eRepublik, it is time to take your in game experience a little further by adding on some tools to help you make better use of all that eRep has to offer. If you are using the Mozilla platform and therefore using Firefox, you should take the time to learn about and install “Greasemonkey” and its add on tool, eRepublik Plus. If you have not heard of this tool before than you are going to be very pleasantly surprised by all it has to offer. For more information including an in depth tutorial on eRep plus as well as where to find it and how to install it, GO HERE. In this document you will find everything you could possibly want to know about this amazing tool!

10. Summary
Congratulations!! You have survived the early period of your citizenship and you are now in a position to do so much more than you ever could before. How will you contribute to eCanada? What will you bring to the table? Will you run for Political Office? Pursue a career in one of the Private or Government armies? Will you be a contributor to the development of your party? Maybe you want to be a mentor to new players. Perhaps you want to become a media mogul and be part of the media. Whatever you choose to do, you have tons of options to choose from. You have gone from struggling to feed yourself and keeping well, to changing the face of eCanada if you so desire. If you take nothing else away from this article, just make sure you get involved. eCanada needs you and your experience. Why not give a little back!

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Acacia Mason