Intense Baby Boom: France.

Day 631, 06:39 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization

An unbelievably quick update. As announced on the Admin's Twitter and Facebook shouts...

Thanks to this site, France is now the 3rd largest nation, population wise.

This is the immense effect one well-placed advertisement can have.

Coordination of RL ads of eIreland should be a *number one* priority of ours. As Minister of Community, I will additionally be taking this duty on board, and will be discussing initial ideas with the President shortly, after which we will need your help.

The only difference between power and weakness in The New World is real-life innovation.

Keep an eye out here for further official announcements on this matter.

We're going to start taking this very seriously.

Lord Rhindon
Congressman of Dublin
Minister of the Communities
Publisher of The Celtic Chronicle
Former Minister of Information
Former Foreign Affairs UnderSecretary
Aficionado of Fine Wines