Inslaving South Korea(ns)

Day 1,082, 06:34 Published in South Korea Belgium by jackdaknife

We have a problem. The idiots up North and to the East have decide that they would like to basicly inslave SouthKorea...

Stage 1: North Korea declares war with South Korea.

Stage 2: Japan supports possible war and any attempts to invade.

Stage 3:If I try and guess how they are going to do this, they will move any north korean to Japan and Japan will use the current open war to attack. This is the cheapest way atleast. So just be on the lookout for that and try to stay in-touch with both countries medias, you don't want to wake up one morning and be knee deep in this.

I suggest we start stock piling food, weapons and gold to defend ourselves... its down to you Grease to organise your MoD and to us the people of Korea to play it smart and safe. Not just the government needs to stock pile.

We are now in a pre-state of war.
