Innocent until Proven Guilty

Day 790, 17:45 Published in South Africa Austria by Jeff Hamilton

It seems that some people will stop at nothing to get what they want. This is rendered quite clearly as I look at the current mess going on in Sol.

Sol is trying to impeach Albert Neurath, its Chairman for "Insulting citizens of Singapore, and behaving in a manner not condusive to the office of Chairman."

Many people will not know what I am speaking about because they do not know what has gone on in the secrecies of the Sol forums. I personally am not registered there, but I have had sources painstakingly piece together what has happened over the last few days. So far:

1. When Nagyzee was Chairman the expulsion of Pakistan was proposed because of the fact they let Serbia in to try and destroy China and India. The explusion vote was never taken because the forum admin was inactive, so the burden fell upon Albert Neurath, the new Chairman, to move it to discussion. The vote happens after the topic is moved, and it passes, 4 countries voting, three saying "Yes", and one abstaining.

2. Relorian, the former Advisory Representative of Singapore (that is VERY important at a later date), and current MoD, claims in a forum post that Albert Neurath is biased against Pakistan, and in favor of South Africa for not proposing their expulsion as well. This is ignored by all citizens.

3. On Saturday, Relorian, Flaco Jimenez (a private Singapore citizen), Boethiah (Singapore's Representative to Sol), and Nagyzee (one of two Sol Viziers) were in the #sol channel of the IRC. Relorian repeated his claim of bias against Albert Neurath, while Boethiah claimed that the vote to expel Pakistan was invalid because not enough member countries voted. That is, per the Sol Charter, a legal grey area.

4. Albert comes into the IRC, and Relorian starts taking potshots at him. For over an hour, the speech came something like this:

Relorian: Threatens to eLynch Albert. Calls Albert biased, incompetent, compares him to Hitler, accuses him of violating the Charter of Sol, and threatens to impeach him.

Boethiah: Accuses Albert of violating the Charter of Sol by passing through the Pakistan motion illegally.

Albert: Calls Relorian incompetent, expresses a wish to ban him from the forums (he did NOT know that Relorian was not an Advisory Rep at the time), and says that he is going to propose an amendment to the Charter to eliminate the grey area.

5. The thing rages onward. Nagyzee tries to calm everyone down, and proposes that they just retake the vote on expelling Pakistan. Albert Neurath agrees, and the thing seems to have started calming down. Albert Neurath learns that Relorian is NOT a Sol Advisory Representative, which means he could not have proposed an impeachment.

6. Garven Dreis, the ex-Sol Commander, comes into the room and mutes the room. He then proceeds to explain that the vote to expel Pakistan is valid because it has no requirement of the number of countries required to vote. Boethiah does not take kindly to this, and keeps repeating the same point over and over again. The discussion ends just around when the Singapore President, Whispering Elizabeth, comes in the room.

Ok, here's the fault tally so far:

Albert Neurath: Has asked for proof of wrongdoing, called Relorian incompetent, and wished he could have had him lose his Rep access that he SHOULD NOT HAVE HAD. Also has intepreted the Charter differently from Singapore

Singapore's government: Has compared someone to Adolf Hitler, called him incompetent, made graphic references to hanging him, threatened to impeach him, and interpreted the Charter differently from Albert and Garven Dreis.

Unbiased Opinion: Nothing impeachment-worthy so far on Albert's part. Relorian should not have had his Rep access remain available, and probably should not have opened his mouth in the first place. Boethiah has done relatively nothing so far, except fight a little with Garven.

Now onto stuff that I cannot tell you where I got it from:

Both sides retreat into their caves. Albert has started talking in a private (this is VERY important) channel. There, he expresses a desire to have Relorian banned from the forums again, and says that the only Singapore citizen he has a high opinion of is Chew-chew-shoe. This happened either DURING the fight in #sol, or RIGHT AFTER (within 10 minutes of the end of the fight.) He and Whispering Elizabeth then go off and talk for a while about things. The day ends.

DAY 2:

My sources check the forums, and see an impeachment proposal, proposed by Hekter of the Philippines (a former member of Albert's group who came in late to the fight and moderated it along with Garven). This is proposing impeachment for "Insulting citizens of singapore and behaving in a manner not condusive to the office of Chairman". They are basing this claim off of a private message between Albert Neurath and Boethiah, written BEFORE the large fight in which Albert says he thinks a vote will fail, and the log of the fight in #sol.

My Belief:

This whole thing is absolutely retarded. Singapore is trying to use this as some sort of power play, although it started off as a bloody legal dispute. If that is the sum of their evidence, then there are no grounds for impeachment at all.

My Solution:

Singapore: Apologize to Albert Neurath for Relorian's actions (since they are really the cause of the whole thing), and work to fix that clause in the charter if you don't leave.

Hekter: Drop the impeachment motion. You will not win, and you will lose a lot of credibility.

Albert Neurath: Redo the whole Pakistan vote, and write some impeachment guidelines.