Information about current prices of goods

Day 366, 21:52 Published in Russia Russia by HateBot

I know a lot of you may be angry that the cost of goods is so high right now. The reason is because currently the RRF cannot print Rubles. The price of food is seriously never going to be 2 rubles when your wage is 5. It's completely ridiculious. The wage model i'm currently working out works like this

each week with all your wages you can pay for

10 food
1 weapon
1/4th a home

You only need 7 pieces of food a week so you get a surplus, which you can use to either save for a house (like only buy 7 pieces of food, no weapon, and invest it in a home), or get extra weapons.

Gifts and tickets would be given to people who request them by the state. And for those who will complain about "OMG I CAN'T LEAVE RUSSIA," we have no incentive to allow people who don't want to participate in Russia to stay here. If you ask for a ticket you will get one to get out. Once our economy is developed we may open it for whole sale, but we simply don't have the people for it currently.

Back on topic:

Right now prices of food should be around .4 Rubles. Not 4 rubles, .4 and homes should be around 80 although I personally want to reduce the price of homes to around 40 to celebrate our independence and sell off some excess to you guys.

So please just hang in there and don't get disillusioned we are really trying the best we can but we simply can't have prices any lower without risking running completely out of Rubles to pay you guys the force minimum wage.

So I just wanted to give you guys an update on what's going on and why prices are so high.

On a final note:

Soviet State Food has been created right now through a bug I can't get grain in the company but soon it should be up and running. Amon Amarth should be sending people who we want to transfer to this company a PM. Wages will be the same so please re-allocate yourself upon request. Thanks.

Solidarity Comrades

-Commissar of Trade and Industry