Indonesia: Party Presidents, Missing?

Day 131, 07:16 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by isnuwardana
Let It Be Four in Yayasan Sehat

Yayasan Sehat, the state funded hospital company, recently were upgraded to quality level 4, making the first company in Indonesia to achieve this. Eventually, several employees have to quit their job because of the skill requirement, but [STAR] Hospital and Indonesian Health Training Centre would be accepting these employees.
However, with their first product, a Q4 hospital ready to market, some says that Samarinda is not worth receiving it, the last region served only by Q1 hospital, because the lack of effort from previous governor to compete with the other region. Nevertheless, the current governor of Kalimantan is very active and we hope that Kalimantan and Yayasan Sehat can negotiate a deal.

Where Are They?

In the last couple days, leader of PRM and NCS party had release their party statement regarding general election. This make people wonder, where are the other parties, especially IDS, the ruling party. When they looked at their leader profile, either sirhc from IDS, davidcfl from PKI and malique from AGIP have not come to work in the last 7 days. We know that AGIP is become more inactive, PKI leader is lost somewhere (with the communist tag, it make people wonder). Finally, just now sirhc from IDS release their statement regarding the general election. There, finally we have three active contestants for the upcoming general election, but we still need the participation of AGIP and PKI.

Four in Weapon Too

The recent bid for subsidy from government to Q3 weapon company, taken only two companies, Starbuck Hellsing and Paradig Corp. However, The Department of Defence finally declared that Starbuck won for the first round of subsidy and Paradig will get their subsidy after Starbuck turn. So in the future, we could have 2 Q4 weapon companies.

Transparency Bug

Yup, we have a transparency bug.
Its :
Change the "x' into user account number.
If you are curious about my account, it's:
Good luck then!
Thanks to PHuSiOn9 for this.

-Inside Berita Sehat-
Kampanye Pemilu EI 1 April 2008

Yup, aku jadikan bagian ini buat kampanye pemilu mendatang.
Kali ini ngga pake kata-kata yang banyak, cukup dengan video berikut. Mohon maaf kalo ada yang tidak tercantum, aku berusaha mengambil nama-nama secara acak dari semua nama yang pernah muncul dalam dunia Erepublik Indonesia, jadi tidak semua dapat muncul.
